Daily schedules for students, teachers and aides
Daily schedules for Aides one, two and three, Resource Teacher for grades 3-4, students in grades 1 and 2, 1965-66, students in grade 3, tentative lunch schedule 1963-64, and channel 2 elementary in-school TV schedule 1963-64
Coral Way Elementary: a bilingual school
Coral Way Elementary: a bilingual school, a paper by Connie L. Loveland for English 245, Section 1, dated December 9, 1966. Provides an overview of the origins and organization of the bilingual program at Coral Way, the latter focusing on the school year of 1966-67. Includes footnotes and a bibliography
Grade One - Schedule Time distribution for each language group
Grade one - Schedule time distribution for each language group broken down by week. Categories included are: total time, minutes in vernacular, minutes in both languages alternately, minutes in second language and Spanish language time distribution.
Testing patterns for pupils in the bilingual school and for the control groups
Testing patterns for pupils in the bilingual school and for the control groups and comparisons between the pupils in the Spanish and English sections, for school years 1964/65, 1965/66, and 1966/67.
Student requests for transfer from Coral Way to Silver Bluff Elementary School
Requests sent to the Director of Elementary Education South Central District to transfer several students to Silver Bluff Elementary School because their parents do not wish them to further participate in the bilingual program at Coral Way, for school years 1965/66 and 1966/67
Coral Way: a Bilingual School
Coral Way: a Bilingual School, a speech by J.L. Logan, principal of Coral Way. Key points include: Why the bilingual school, organization, community problems, personnel, materials, and pupil progress
Daily schedules for grades 1-6 (1964-1967)
Daily schedules for grades 1-6 (1964-1967) - Coral Way Bilingual School
Sample schedules grades 1-3
Sample daily schedules for first, second and third grades - Coral Way Bilingual School
Coral Way Bilingual K-8 Center International Spanish Academies Seminar
Program for Coral Way Bilingual K-8 Center International Spanish Academies Seminar, Nov.6-9, 2005 gives an overview of the Coral Way Bilingual K-8 Center and schedule of classes.