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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Lost mission of the Colorado October 1950 Westways
Lost rancho on the Gila March 1956 Westways
Lost rancho on the Gila March 1956 Westways
Mapping the Indian country October 1965 Westways
Mapping the Indian country:part two November 1965 Westways
Marble Canyon country December 1947 Westways
Martha Summerhayes' Vanished Arizona July 1971 Westways
Maynard Dixon's Painted Desert May 1974 Westways
Maynard Dixon's Painted Desert May 1974 Westways
Meet the coati mundi January 1953 Westways
Mesquite - from pest to profit May 1958 Westways
Monument Valley July 1946 Westways
Mountains are my home September 1952 Westways
Mr. Cactus July 1947 Westways
Mystery of the topped sahuaros November 1954 Westways
Mystery of the topped sahuaros November 1954 Westways
Mystery of the Wickenburg Massacre March 1967 Westways
Mystery of the Wickenburg Massacre March 1967 Westways
Navajo hosts at Monument Valley September 1963 Westways
Navajo journey to the ocean July 1954 Westways
Navajo outpost February 1957 Westways
New auto ferry on the Colorado May 1956 Westways
New light at the OK Corral January 1964 Westways
No-pony express March 1952 Westways
Oak Creek Canyon December 1952 Westways
Oases in the sky July 1950 Westways
Old and new in Zuni-land; largest and most orthodox of New Mexico pueblos, Zuni quietly integrates modern inventions with her ancient culture August 1953 Westways
Oraibi's last stand March 1955 Westways
Papago priest February 1977 Westways
Parker Dam January 1950 Westways
Pascua - the incredible November 1946 Westways
Passport to Bisbee May 1973 Westways
Pay-off in the big ditch May 1947 Westways
Pay-off in the big ditch May 1947 Westways
Preening plumes May 1975 Westways
Prehistoric boomtown March 1949 Westways
Pride is the key March 1967 Westways
Primitive village in Havasupai Canyon January 1958 Westways
Puttin' up the dudes November 1973 Westways
Rainbow under the rim August 1947 Westways
Rainbows under the rim August 1947 Westways
Rapid descent with Norman Neville October 1965 Westways
Refuge at Pipe Spring August 1953 Westways
Requiem for the cactus pilots October 1963 Westways
Revolution on the Reservation July 1968 Westways
Ride a wilderness river August 1954 Westways
Roaming the sun country October 1951 Westways
Rock hounds, go home March 1965 Westways
Rock hounds, go home March 1965 Westways
Rome on the range: was a Roman colony on the Arizona desert destroyed...in the year 900? March 1947 Westways
Roundup! April 1973 Westways
Rural stamping grounds February 1976 Westways
Sacred cave of the Papagos December 1951 Westways
Sagacious Saguaro; through the centuries it has provided desert Indians with fuel, shelter and food November 1952 Westways
Santa Claus to the Navajos December 1953 Westways
