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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Cool Arizona July 1949 Westways
Cradle of the Colorado October 1965 Westways
Death in Tusayan April 1933 Westways
Desert dwellers October 1947 Westways
Desert in a capsule October 1953 Westways
Desert jungle revisited February 1962 Westways
Desert surprise March 1960 Westways
Dismal days in Pleasant Valley August 1953 Westways
Dismal days in Pleasant Valley August 1953 Westways
Down the Grand Canyon by rail January 1953 Westways
Down to Thunder River September 1951 Westways
Echoes from a cellblock February 1976 Westways
El Camino del Diablo November 1946 Westways
Enchanting treasure of the padres October 1956 Westways
Exploring Marble Canyon November 1951 Westways
Flying down to Parker October 1965 Westways
From saguaros to skis January 1948 Westways
Ghost towns die hard; Ghost of the past haunt the streets of Jerome but in the air is still an atmosphere of hope that something new will happen August 1953 Westways
Ghost trail on the Border July 1956 Westways
Give me my boots and sunshine: Phoenix has an ace in the hole in its western atmosphere and knows how to make the most of it September 1947 Westways
Gold on the Colorado April 1963 Westways
Golden shower in Arizona January 1958 Westways
Grand Canyon folds July 1948 Westways
Greener pastures for the Apache November 1954 Westways
Greener pastures for the Apache November 1954 Westways
Happy Cly July 1961 Westways
Happy Cly July 1961 Westways
Helicopters over Rainbow Bridge September 1961 Westways
Home of the ancients November 1953 Westways
Home of the blue-green water people January 1952 Westways
In concert with the land August 1975 Westways
In the days of Kit Carson March 1959 Westways
In the wake of John Wesley Powell June 1969 Westways
Inns of Christmas December 1962 Westways
It's Carr Canyon for birdwatchers April 1966 Westways
James Reavis, Baron of Arizona February 1947 Westways
Jerome - ghost town of tomorrow March 1947 Westways
Jerome, Arizona March 1969 Westways
John C. Cremony, soldier of fortune March 1946 Westways
Keepers of the bighorns January 1959 Westways
Kino and the missions of Mexico's Camino Real January 1937 Westways
Lake in the redrock canyons March 1964 Westways
Lake Mead: man-made wonderland October 1947 Westways
Last of the scouts November 1947 Westways
Legacy from Lo-Lomai May 1956 Westways
Legacy from Lo-Lomai May 1956 Westways
Legends in sand January 1951 Westways
Letter from the Southwest September 1976 Westways
Letter from the Southwest January 1977 Westways
Letter from the Southwest March 1977 Westways
Letter from the Southwest March 1977 Westways
Letter from the Southwest May 1976 Westways
Letter from the Southwest January 1975 Westways
Letter from the Southwest May 1975 Westways
Letter from the Southwest July 1975 Westways
