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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Watch Tucson grow Tucson
Reminiscences [ephemera] 1926 Tucson
Living in the city April 1977 Tucson
Living in the city April 1977 Tucson
Shelter from the rain (of taxes). April 1977 Tucson
Skinny dipping in Sabino Canyon April 1977 Tucson
The hottest brand in footwear April 1977 Tucson
Bullish on Tucson April 1977 Tucson
Harnessing heat waves April 1977 Tucson
Rural school standards high August 1931 Tucson
Rural schools standards high August 1931 Tucson
How to hide your money from Uncle Sam February 1977 Tucson
Hypnotherapy February 1977 Tucson
Hypnotherapy February 1977 Tucson
Is yours big enough? February 1977 Tucson
Pyramid power February 1977 Tucson
This child needs help February 1977 Tucson
We could do it again. February 1977 Tucson
Odds are with the dealer January 1977 Tucson
Super structure January 1977 Tucson
Cathy Hemler is gay January 1977 Tucson
Do Tucsonans dress for success? January 1977 Tucson
Guess who's the sitting duck? January 1977 Tucson
Hope for house hunters January 1977 Tucson
Rich fat, poor fat July 1977 Tucson
The man from blunt June 1977 Tucson
Cow killers June 1977 Tucson
How working couples cope March 1977 Tucson
Shots in the dark March 1977 Tucson
The great West is uptown. March 1977 Tucson
Newspapers and early day editors May 1938 Tucson
The collectible rip-off May 1977 Tucson
The mob squad May 1977 Tucson
Caring for the rural school pupils October 1928 Tucson
Caring for the rural school pupils October 1928 Tucson
Another town too tough to die October 1976 Tucson
When alcohol becomes just kid stuff October 1976 Tucson