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- The Amer West (1)
- The American Indian (9)
- The American Indian 5 (1)
- The American Way (1)
- The American West (2)
- The Arizona Magazine (34)
- The Bans (1)
- The Border (37)
- The Brand Book (1)
- The Branding Iron (1)
- The great reconnaissance (3)
- The High Country (4)
- The lunch tree (2)
- The Navajo (1)
- The Numismatist (4)
- The Pipeliner (5)
- The Quarterly of the Southwestern Association on Indian Affairs,Inc (1)
- The romance of mining (1)
- The Roundup (2)
- The Sheriff (6)
- The Smoke Signal (17)
- The Southwesterner (7)
- The story of Cyprus Mines Corporation (2)
- The Trail Guide (1)
- The West (126)
- The West (Los Angeles Times) (2)
- The West (Lost Angeles Times) (1)
- The Westerners Brand Book (3)
- The Westerners Brand Book, Los Angeles Corral (6)
- The Westerners Brand Book, Los Angeles Corral, Book (2)
- Tombstone's yesterday (25)
- Touring Topics (23)
- Touring Tropics (1)
- Transactions of the American Geophysical Union (1)
- Treasure land (9)
- Troopers west (3)
- True (1)
- True West (201)
- Tuc (279)
- Tuc Bana (1)
- Tuc Bans (1)
- Tuc Bsns (80)
- Tuc Mag (4)
- Tuc Market Index (2)
- Tucs (1)
- Tucson (37)
- Tucson Daily Citizen (4)
- Tucson Daily Citizen, Around Your Home section (1)
- Tucson Daily Citizen. Arizona statehood, 1912-1962 (2)
- Tucson Lifestyle (39)
- Tucson Magazine (5)
- Tucson Marketing Index (4)
- Tucson Trend (1)
- Tucson Weekly (28)
- Ture West (2)