Tucson Weekly

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Planes, training and automatic weapons April 4-10 1990 Tucson Weekly
City limits: small town Douglas faces up to its reputation as Arizona's drug gateway August 8-14, 1990 Tucson Weekly
The lure of the locomotive December 13-19, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Spinning dreams into words December 27 1989-January 2, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Chief without a tribe December 6-12, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Farsighted...or farfetched? February 20-26, 1991 Tucson Weekly
Troubled waters February 21-27, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Desert sleuth February 28-March 6, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Growing up drunk January 3-9, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Death wish January 9-15, 1991 Tucson Weekly
Toxic overload July 11-17, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Burning desires: a firefighter explores the rejuvenating power of flames in the wilderness July 18-24, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Polarizing the Grand Old Party July 19-25, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Polarizing the Grand Old Party July 26-August 1, 1989 Tucson Weekly
The standard of care: options in Arizona for housing the elderly June 7-13, 1989 Tucson Weekly
The standard of care: options in Arizona for housing the elderly June 7-13, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Programming the party March 14-20 1990 Tucson Weekly
A quiet decline March 7-13, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Stop making sense: the long and winding road to the ranch May 16-22, 1990 Tucson Weekly
The UA's little West Point May 23-29, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Cutting a deal May 31-June 6, 1989 Tucson Weekly
The tomato trail May 9-15, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Bantam battles November 8-14, 1989 Tucson Weekly
La Frontera: land of opportunity or place of broken dreams? October 18-24, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Long, tall & smooth: Terry Goddard has the moves of a man bred to be a politician October 24-30 1990 Tucson Weekly
A falling Star October 4-10 1989 Tucson Weekly
FBI bust jars movement: stakes get higher for radial environmentalists September 13-19, 1989 Tucson Weekly
FBI bust jars movement: stakes get higher for radical environmentalists September 13-19, 1989 Tucson Weekly