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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
The chamber's 1931 record January 1932 Tuc
Recreation in Tucson January 1932 Tuc
City building during 1931 January 1932 Tuc
Tucson's Fine Arts Association. January 1933 Tuc
1932 passes in review January 1933 Tuc
Baboquivari mountain January 1934 Tuc
Seeing the guest ranches January 1935 Tuc
Livestock show and sale to be annual event January 1935 Tuc
$815,000 building program to start at U. January 1935 Tuc
Them there pitchin' shows an' dude waddies January 1935 Tuc
Tucson a natural polo center January 1935 Tuc
(article) January 1936 Tuc
Linda Vista January 1938 Tuc
Facts and figures; a business survey of Tucson and Pima County January 1938 Tuc
Chamber of Commerce 1937 projects January 1938 Tuc
Are Tucson rents too high? January 1938 Tuc
Our natural wonder January 1938 Tuc
Are Tucson rents too high? January 1938 Tuc
The Mayse Air School July 1929 Tuc
Flying wildcats July 1929 Tuc
Early days of Arizona aviation July 1929 Tuc
What aviation means to tucson July 1929 Tuc
Tucson, sunshine center of America July 1930 Tuc
Tucson's greater airport July 1930 Tuc
Old Fort Lowell in 1881 July 1930 Tuc
What Elkdom means to Tucson July 1930 Tuc
Elk hospital dream nears realization July 1931 Tuc
Elk hospital dream nears realization July 1931 Tuc
Health palaces in kingdom of sunshine July 1931 Tuc
Elks State Hospital starts work July 1932 Tuc
Health quest a happy adventure in Tucson July 1933 Tuc
Why an Elk's hospital July 1934 Tuc
Why the sick get well in Tucson July 1934 Tuc
Sunshine and conquest of arthritis July 1934 Tuc
Thoughts on Tucson's climate, especially in summer July 1934 Tuc
Impressions of a visitor July 1935 Tuc
Year's homebuilding nears Tucson record July 1936 Tuc
Elk's hospital in Tucson filling great need July 1936 Tuc
Fertile foothill oasis attracts home builders from many states July 1936 Tuc
Honoring Dr. LeRoy Shantz July 1936 Tuc
Tucson, the desert metropolis July 1937 Tuc
Dias de San Juan y San Pedro July 1937 Tuc
Dias de San Juan y San Pedro July 1937 Tuc
Dias de San Juan y San Pedro July 1937 Tuc
The wishing shrine July 1937 Tuc
Sampling plant operated for benefit of small operators June 1929 Tuc
Sampling plant operated for benefit of small operators June 1929 Tuc
Mining in Pima County June 1929 Tuc
Ajo, most beautiful camp in Arizona June 1929 Tuc
College of Mines, U. of A. June 1929 Tuc
Hidden dollars June 1930 Tuc
Tucson continues to build June 1930 Tuc
Tucson's new recreational area June 1932 Tuc
The Hohokam of Santa Cruz Valley June 1933 Tuc
Pima County agriculture staging come-back June 1934 Tuc
