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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Building activity in city continues April 1929 Tuc
The inauguration of president Homer LeRoy Shantz April 1930 Tuc
Historical picture of old Tucson to be presented in pageant form April 1931 Tuc
A history of Old Tucson April 1931 Tuc
Our neighbors, the Indians April 1932 Tuc
The fantastic clan; the cactus family April 1932 Tuc
Summer in Tucson April 1933 Tuc
Ladies Society to the B. of L. F. & E. April 1934 Tuc
Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen April 1934 Tuc
Bronco Pete orates upon superstition April 1935 Tuc
Odd Fellows home April 1935 Tuc
Odd Fellows home April 1935 Tuc
Reaching pine clad summits April 1936 Tuc
Over half million invested in WPA projects April 1936 Tuc
What Sabino Canyon means to Tucson April 1936 Tuc
County hospital will serve community needs April 1936 Tuc
Mexican music a la WPA April 1936 Tuc
A million dollars in buildings added ... April 1936 Tuc
A legend of Baboquivari April-May 1837 Tuc
Architecture of the University of Arizona April-May 1937 Tuc
Colossal Cave county park April-May 1937 Tuc
Tucson folklore and lroe telling April-May 1937 Tuc
Historic riches of southern Arizona August 1929 Tuc
Unusual advantages for the study of art in the University of Arizona August 1929 Tuc
Poultry raising, a thriving industry August 1929 Tuc
Tucson, the historic center of Arizona August 1929 Tuc
Papago Indian reservation August 1930 Tuc
Arizona's Indian population August 1930 Tuc
Tucson schools are good schools August 1931 Tuc
Private schools proving popular August 1932 Tuc
Public schools enrollment increasing August 1932 Tuc
The schools of Tucson August 1934 Tuc
Tucson's Little Theatre August 1934 Tuc
The trail to Rainbow natural bridge August 1935 Tuc
Sunshine and health, climate eulogized for many afflictions August 1936 Tuc
The U.S Veterans hospital at Tucson Arizona August 1936 Tuc
Tucson's first schools August 1937 Tuc
City parks December 1928 Tuc
Polo at the University of Arizona December 1928 Tuc
Guest ranches in and about Tucson December 1928 Tuc
How Tucson cares for her needy December 1929 Tuc
S. P. hospital planned for Tucson December 1929 Tuc
S. P. hospital planned for Tucson December 1929 Tuc
Youir tax dollar, where it goes December 1929 Tuc
Spreading Tucson Sunshine December 1929 Tuc
Tucson's new federal home December 1930 Tuc
Federal employees have own union December 1930 Tuc
Federal institutions form an integral part of Tucson December 1930 Tuc
Post office clerks organized here December 1930 Tuc
Tucson, a city of home December 1931 Tuc
Arizona Pioneer's Historical Society December 1932 Tuc
Arizona State Museum December 1932 Tuc
Seeing Tucson as I have seen it December 1932 Tuc
One thousand rattlesnakes wanted December 1933 Tuc
One thousand rattlesnakes wanted December 1933 Tuc
