True West

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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
The noble nopales November-December 1966 True West
The ordeal of surgeon Tappan November-December 1962 True West
The quiet lawman March-April 1964 True West
The return of Bronco Bill March-April 1962 True West
The saga of John Moss July-August 1975 True West
The Seris, Indians that time forgot March-April 1958 True West
The truth about the Dutchman's lost mine July-August 1955 True West
The Tubac massacre September-October 1960 True West
The Tubac massacre September-October 1960 True West
The Tubac massacre September-October 1960 True West
The unpredictable Kate Elder September-October 1960 True West
The way it really was March-April 1963 True West
The West's bloodiest pass March -April 1960 True West
The Wyatt Earp burial secret September-October 1957 True West
This was Tombstone November-December 1960 True West
Tom Horn: was a hero or a villain hanged? November-December 1960 True West
Tombstone, Arizona, the town too tough to die March-April 1955 True West
Top man of the fearless thirteen November-December 1970 True West
Toughest town on earth September-October 1958 True West
War on the Cibicu March-April 1964 True West
War paint for Little Emma October-November 1954 True West
War paint for Little Emma October-November 1954 True West
Was Tom Horn two men? January-February 1970 True West
Was Wyatt Earp really a deputy U. S. Marshall? January-February 1961 True West
What really happened at the O. K. Corral? September-October 1960 True West
Wife of the chief November-December 1958 True West
Wild cows ain't Dairy Queens September-October 1976 True West
Wild old days! March -April 1974 True West
Wild old days! March -April 1974 True West
Wild old days! March -April 1974 True West
Wild old days! July-August 1973 True West
Wild old days! The secret of Tonto National Forest March-April 1977 True West
Witches' brew March-April 1957 True West
Wyatt Earp's "million dollar" shotgun ride July-August 1958 True West
Wyatt Earp's grave robbed September-October 1957 True West
Wyatt Earp's letters to Bill Hart May-June 1968 True West
