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Queipo de Llano consulta del comite general sobre la provision del corregimiento de Chihuahua por demision, o salida del interino don Francisco Xavier de... 05-15-1788
Quartara consequente de ordenes superiores de los excelentisimos senores virrey de estos dominios y comandante general de esta provincia, he... 01-11-1816
Quiros Conde de Galve to the king. Letter telling king about revolt of Nueva Vizcaya Indians and what actions are being taken to quell revolt. 07-15-1691
Quanon Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Letter to officials of treasury of Durango cathedral informing them of efforts to secure payment of... 05-06-1794
Quintana Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of... 06-16-1716
Quixano Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of... 06-16-1716
Quentas Zayas Concerns real orden of March 2, 1782 in which king declares that 'secretarias' of Provincias Internas eligible for 'el goze... 03-02-1782
Quinones Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Quinones Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Quiros Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Quixano Concerns issues leading to Ugarte y Loyola's appointment as governor of puebla de Los Angeles. 00-00-1769
Quintero Concerns construction of church at Ygollo mission, secularization and inventory of 'temporalidades' at others. 03-00-1768
Quixano Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. 06-02-1739
Quevedo Concerns alleged rivalry between military of Saltillo and Parras, opposition to nomination of Varela Bermudez as 'capitan a guerra... 00-00-1767
Quintanas Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Quamea Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Quiecli Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
Quedaltul Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
Quellaba Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
Quintana Concerning political, military administration. 04-01-1808
Quezada Concerning military promotions, applications, retirements. 06-27-1818
Quixada Concerning leasing-selling of hacienda de Arroyo Zarco to Marques de Salinas. 07-19-1799
Quineidestin Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Quienastjnan Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Quintano Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Quintanar Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Quinonez con presencia de las adjuntas. 06-14-1816
Quintana con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Quartaire Comuniciones del ministro practical de San Blas sobre llegada de buques, carga que conducen, cobre de derechos, ect... 10-07-1813
Quidero Complaints against commandant Jose Ortega by natives of Lajas concerning military misconduct 02-23-1819
Querejazu Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Quevasa compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Quiros compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Quimper comandante de la fragata San Joseph y las animas don Manuel Quimper sobre Socorros por la caxa de Acapulco 01-16-1793
Quiroga Collection of debt 06-14-1654
Quijano Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763
Quesada Civil case- disputed claim on land. 07-15-1654
Quesada Civil case- disputed claim on land. 07-15-1654
Quintero Charges formed against soldier Salvador Rodriguez of the 2nd compania Volante for leaving his post and fleeing with two women. 09-17-1819
Quintanilla Charges formed against soldier Salvador Rodriguez of the 2nd compania Volante for leaving his post and fleeing with two women. 09-17-1819
Quinteros Charges against soldier Juan Granillo for injuring Maria Valentina Vega 07-16-1819
Quinteros Charges against soldier Juan Granillo for injuring Maria Valentina Vega 07-16-1819
Quixada Charges against soldier Francisco Orozco of the compania de Pitic for second desertion 04-29-1816
Quitana Charges against Manuel Galvan, Alferez of the tercera compania Volante of Nuevo Santander, relating to the theft of gun powder by Indians. 01-25-1790
Quintana Chacon, Fernando. A set of instructions on how the new governor should deal with the navajo. 03-27-1805
Quintana Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Reinstatement of two officials. 09-11-1799
Quijano Zavala Chacon petitions the media anata imposed is unjust. 01-24-1779
Quintana Chacon Medina Salazar, Joseph (Marques de la penuela-governor of Nueva Mexico. Auto-concerning the invasion of El Passo del norte by the... 10-03-1707
Quijada Causa criminal contra Joseph Cayetano Ortiz por haber muerto a Pedro Quijada. 06-00-1722
Quinones Causa criminal contra el subteniente don Ramon Grimaldi y varios soldados por desacato a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria de Durango. 10-24-1817
