Olallo |
Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla |
06-16-1797 |
Oria |
Request for primisias for priest from Presas del Rey. |
00-00-1763 |
Osorio |
Request for primisias for priest from Presas del Rey. |
00-00-1763 |
Ojeda |
Letters about Indian rebellion and accusations of military incompetence in defending area. |
00-00-1789 |
Olazaran |
Criminal cases against Camarillo (Maulas), noparan and Jose Antonio. |
09-02-1796 |
Orosco |
Diligencias against Garza and Echeagaray. |
02-12-1796 |
Oria |
Criminal cases against noparan, Pedro Maulas, and Jose Antonio. |
09-07-1796 |
O'Conor |
San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. |
00-00-1772 |
Ortega |
San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. |
00-00-1772 |
O |
San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. |
00-00-1772 |
O'conor |
Promotions of military personnel. |
05-00-1784 |
O'conor |
Assigning of positions for expedition. |
03-17-1771 |
O'Conor |
Reports from detachments. |
04-03-1773 |
O'conor |
Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. |
12-20-1775 |
O |
Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. |
12-20-1775 |
O |
Collar of Apaches transported to Mexico City. |
01-20-1783 |
Oconor |
Letters between Escarraga, Arrieta and Bucareli concerning bandos, military campaign, Indian hostilities, vecino auxiliaries. |
12-02-1771 |
Oconor |
Letter from Virrey(?) to Fayni about success of Chihuahua troops; request for further update of field situation. |
08-15-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Virrey(?) Ordering Fayni to send horses for benefit of Oconor's campaign. |
08-08-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Virrey(?) to Fayni about state of military campaign as reported by Oconor. |
10-13-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Virrey(?) to faini about military campaign of 1772 in Chihuahua. |
11-11-1772 |
Olivares |
Letter from Virrey(?) to Fayni concerning affairs of Olivares and Echeverria. |
07-25-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Virrey(?) to Fayni listing reasons for denial of equipment request. |
12-03-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Fayni to Bucareli concerning Oconor's uniting of forces at Rio del norte. |
03-18-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Fayni to Bucareli concerning use of fine money levied against Menchaca. |
03-30-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters from Fayni to Bucareli concerning obtainment and deployment of cavalry in campaign of 1772. |
05-16-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters between Virrey(?) and Fayni about general campaign of 1772. |
01-02-1772 |
Oconor |
Miscellaneous letters and notes from Virrey(?) to Fayni about campaign funding, personnel, Indian hostilities. |
09-10-1771 |
Oconor |
Letters from Virrey(?) to Fayni concerning military campaign of 1772. |
03-18-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters from Virrey(?) to Fayni concerning details of 1772 campaign. |
02-28-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters from Virrey(?) to Fayni about Gueypo's recommendation and campaign of 1772. |
06-13-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters between Fayni, Virrey(?), Trevino, and Arizola concerning campaign successes and fugitive Indians. |
05-15-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters from Fayni to Bucareli concerning details of mobilization of cavalry remounts in 1772 campaign. |
07-20-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters from Fayni & Estrella to Bucareli concerning mobilization of cavalry and incarceration of an Indian. |
03-27-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters by Fayni & Escorza to Bucareli about military campaign funds, condition of cavalry. |
03-30-1772 |
Oxinaga |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Obiedo |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Oviedo |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters between Virrey(?), Fayni, and Croix concerning military campaign, Indian hostilities. |
04-25-1770 |
Onduna |
Letters concerning Indian hostilities, military mobilization, civil-military-religious relations in 1770. |
12-26-1769 |
Ortega |
Letters between Lemus, Queipo de Llano and Virrey(?) concerning Indian violence and state of province in 1770. |
11-22-1769 |
Orduna |
Letters between Lemus, Queipo de Llano and Virrey(?) concerning Indian violence and state of province in 1770. |
11-22-1769 |
Oconor |
Letters between Lemus, Queipo de Llano and Virrey(?) concerning Indian violence and state of province in 1770. |
11-22-1769 |
Oconor |
Letters by Queipo de Llano & Carrillo to virrey & machado about military campaign and bando publication. |
07-21-1770 |
Ochoa |
Letters between Queipo de Llano, Peramas, and Virrey(?) about Indian hostilities in 1773. |
11-30-1772 |
Oconor |
Letters between Queipo de Llano, Peramas, and Virrey(?) about Indian hostilities in 1773. |
11-30-1772 |
Ojeda |
Letters between Queipo de Llano, Peramas, and Virrey(?) about Indian hostilities in 1773. |
11-30-1772 |
Oconor |
Letter from Queipo de Llano to Virrey(?) Reporting advice received from Oconor concerning treatment of Indian criminals. |
06-22-1773 |