Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Oteros Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Oribe Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Orduna Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Ortiz de Parrilla Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Ortiz Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Olivarri Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Oca Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Ovallera Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Orosco y Molina Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Ortega Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Orosco Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Oribio Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Olivares Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Ortiz Index requested by viceroy Pacheco y de Padilla of official documents dealing with Provincias Internas from 1636-1793. 00-00-1636
Olasagasti Letters between viceroy and other officials concerning appointment of Columnas. 12-20-1792
Oconor Index of documents re: Provincias Internas and Nayarit located in Chapultepec. 00-00-1771
Oneto Index of official documents dealing with Coahuila in possession of Martinez de Soria. 00-00-1799
Ochoa Documents dealing with provisioning of food, clothing, and arms for presidial troops. 09-01-1772
Orozco Series of letters relating to transfer of fray Romero and fray Sanchez Hervas from Spain to California. 02-24-1804
Ortega Series of documents relating to criminal case against Duarte. 12-00-1803
Ortega Series of documents relating to criminal case against Duarte. 12-00-1803
Ormaechea Letters re: payment of sinodos to California missionaries. 01-18-1819
Ormachea Discussion about introduction of mescal into California 00-00-1796
Ortiz Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic 05-29-1787
Ormaechea Claim for fees for making audit 03-29-1811
Ortiz Awarding of contract to produce and sell mescal 12-12-1798
Ormaechea Administrative proceedings concerning account of deceased captain 03-02-1811
Ortega Matter of reimbursement for supplies provided to ships 00-00-1781
Osornio Problems with delivery of barrel of aguardiente to California presidio. 00-00-1790
Ortiz Audit and settling of accounts of deceased habilitado Perez Fernandez 11-26-1805
Orronez Request for retirement with pensions for two marineros 09-10-1772
Ormaechea Request for reimbursement for construction costs at Punta de Guijarros near San Diego presidio 10-02-1807
Ormaechea Reimbursement for lodging costs for Voluntarios de cataluna at San Diego 11-09-1795
Ortega y Lopez Shipment of armaments to presidios of Monterrey and San Francisco 06-24-1791
Ocayn Aprehension de 9 individuos procedentes de dos buques americanos. 07-22-1806
Ocain Aprehension de 9 individuos procedentes de dos buques americanos. 07-22-1806
Olmedo Fr. Fermin de Montejo sobre regresar a Espana. 06-20-1808
Orinol Fr. Fermin de Montejo sobre regresar a Espana. 06-20-1808
Otntemi Averiguacion hecha frente los complices en la muerte del padre misionero de Sto. Tomas, Fr. Miguel Lopez. Promotor fiscal Felipe Misionero... 05-04-1804
Ortega Sobre tres desertores de la fragata anglo-americano mercurio que se presentaron en el presidio de Santa Barbara. Declaraciones tomadas a... 12-20-1809
Ortega Sobre tres desertores de la fragata anglo-americano mercurio que se presentaron en el presidio de Santa Barbara. Declaraciones tomadas a... 12-20-1809
Otacora Reintegro de faltas que hubo en las memorias del presidio de San Diego respectivo al ano de 1800 11-10-1800
O'Conor Proceedings against Alferez Juan de Casteneda for having married without a license 00-00-1777
O'conor Request for direction on what to do about Joseph Miguel (Lipan Apache) who ran away from mission of San Antonio de Balero. 03-16-1773
O'conor New rules for presidios for consolidation at San Antonio de Bexar and consolidation of four missions, Texas. 03-01-1773
Orandai New rules for presidios for consolidation at San Antonio de Bexar and consolidation of four missions, Texas. 03-01-1773
O'conor Additional rules for consolidating Adaes, Orcoquiza and San Antonio de Bexar (presidios) and for inspecting presidio of La Bahia del... 05-08-1773
O'conor Report on peace efforts with various Indian groups and effectiveness of such efforts. Texas 04-19-1773
O'connor Reply to Bucareli on new rules of consolidation of presidios in Texas. 05-08-1773
Ortiz Expenses of surgeon Crivelli 08-00-1797
