Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Oraeta y Oro Meeting of junta general de la real hacienda 01-01-1706
Olivan de Rebolledo Summary and reviews of Rivera's visita recommendations 03-21-1729
Ondanza Letters requesting the building of presidio in Sonora 05-16-1691
Ovaia Investigation Indian mistreatment in Coaguila. 05-06-1688
Obregon Military lists of squadrons of compania de Caballeria del Seno Mexicano for January, 1771. 01-02-1771
Ochoa Letter from justicia to virrey concerning murder trial of Albarez. 12-23-1769
Osorio Letter from justicia to virrey concerning murder trial of Albarez. 12-23-1769
Osorio Correspondence between governor and viceroy concerning legal, economic activities in Nuevo Santander. 10-27-1770
Osorio Letter requesting promotion of Gonzalez de Santianes to office of interim governor. 01-24-1770
Oserio Letter concerning land divisions in Nuevo Santander. 03-00-1763
Orobia y Basterra Boneo y Morales sucession to Wintuysen as governor of Texas 01-02-1742
Olivan de Rebolledo Expenses of Arcadio de Adame 03-14-1725
Oro y Campa Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
Orobio Bazterra Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Orosco Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Olivan Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Olivan Rebolledo Criminal charges against Abila, Phelipe de 04-14-1730
Orobio Bazterra Informe to viceroy concerning disposition of Indian prisoners in San Antonio Bejar. 04-26-1738
Olivan Rebolledo Informes from Rivera, Pedro de, Perez de Almazan, and others to viceroy concerning Indian affairs and colonists in Texas. 12-01-1731
Ochoa Correspondence related to arrival of Fragata nuestra senora de los remedios. 02-24-1778
Ortega Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of August. 08-19-1778
Otayza Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of December. 12-19-1778
Onate Petition to governor about exile of Julio Lopez Golquire. 11-02-1604
Onate Petition to governor about exile of Julio Lopez Golquire. 11-02-1604
Ordonez Trial of Alferez Juan Escanamad for blasphemy. 04-17-1617
Onate [untitled] 09-24-1636
Ortega Autos sobre el alzamiento de indios en el Nuevo Mexico. 11-04-1681
O'Neylle Request to return to Spain for Manuel Cueto y Vierna. 02-15-1785
Oca Sarmiento Testimonio de la demanda y querella dada por parte del general Fernando de Villanueva tocante a desaparicion de documentos 10-21-1665
Otermin Request of war material by governor elect Cruzate. 08-28-1682
Otermin Petition to viceroy to name corporal for presidio of Passo del norte. 02-11-1683
Otermin Domingo Gironza Petris de Cruzate al Conde de Paredes. Carta sobre su llegada a El Paso y condiciones alli. 10-30-1683
Otermin Antonio de Otermin. Carta sobre relaciones con los indios jumanes y shulimes. 08-11-1683
Ortega Mentanes Request to resettle towns in New Mexico. 09-22-1696
Otermin Autos regarding Vargas challenge to kings naming Rodriguez Cubero governor of Nuevo Mexico. 11-03-1693
Onatte Autos regarding Vargas challenge to kings naming Rodriguez Cubero governor of Nuevo Mexico. 11-03-1693
Ossaeta Doro Autos describing different happenings in territory of New Mexico. 01-08-1707
Ortega y Montanez Petition to restitute addition to salary authorized but not given to soldiers of New Mexico. 00-00-1700
Onate Letter to king about foundation of Villa de Albuquerque and repopulation of town of Galisteo. 04-23-1706
Oribe Casttejon Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726
Olivan Revolledo Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726
Ortiz Parrilla Illegal alliens in Veracruz 07-16-1755
Otermin The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Onate The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Otermin Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Olivan y Chavez Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Ortega Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Orinada Court case against malibran and Dolores de las casas in Nuevo Santander 09-20-1795
Ochoa Fines to officials and other people in Nuevo Santander 00-00-1785
Olloguiegui Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
