Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Neve Correspondence of Bucareli to Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, for July - December 1777. 00-00-1776
Navarrete Correspondence of Campo Viergol concerning tolls collected in department of San Blas for the real hacienda. 09-01-1772
Neve Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1783. 10-04-1776
Neve Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Neve Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. 03-14-1732
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and real de cuentas officials about affairs at Cieneguilla 07-19-1775
Noboa Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli 01-10-1776
Nevares Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli with related testimony by Peralta 12-03-1774
Nieto Correspondence of governor, 1759. 1-10-1759
Neve Correspondence of Hijosa to viceroy Bucareli for January - February 1777. 00-00-1775
Neve Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for February - March, 1777. 00-00-1776
Nunez Esquivel Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for February - March, 1777. 00-00-1776
Neve Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for August, 1777. 07-23-1775
Noja Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 12-11-1759
Neve Correspondence of Neve and Serra to Bucareli and Croix on conditions and status of California presidios and missions (quaderno segundo,... 00-00-1772
Neve Correspondence of Neve to comandante general Croix on conditions and status of California presidios and missions (quaderno segundo, 1777-... 05-21-1773
Noriega Correspondence of Pedro Corbalan, intendente of Sonora, for January - March, 1774 03-29-1749
Neve Correspondence of Serra and Neve to Bucareli and Croix on conditions and status of California missions (quaderno segundo), 1777-1779. 10-20-1775
Nava Correspondence re: Apache relations. 10-05-1796
Neya Correspondence re: campaigns and attacks against Apaches. 12-31-1788
Nuves Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Negreiros Correspondence re: construction of canal, churches; pearl diving. 02-01-1776
Nasario Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Natanijui Correspondence re: Cordero's campaigns against Indians. 09-11-1789
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: donations of seeds and livestock from vecindarios as noted in account books of expedicion de Sonora. 09-02-1776
Nava Correspondence re: exchange of alfereces Abla and Trevino between Riogrande and Lampazos. Exchange granted on interim basis. 05-22-1797
Nava Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Apaches de paz. 07-09-1790
Nacaye Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Nava Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Nava Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Narbaez Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Noriega Correspondence re: financing of expedicion de Sonora. 05-01-1770
Nunez Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Navarro Correspondence re: granting of salary for criados employed on various expeditions. 07-23-1789
Nava Correspondence re: justification of expenditures for Apaches de paz, prisioners of war and auxiliaries. 12-28-1791
Nava Correspondence re: military salaries, finances and supplies including cuenta from compania Volante de Nuebo Santander. 06-30-1777
Noriega Correspondence re: military salaries, finances and supplies including cuenta from compania Volante de Nuebo Santander. 06-30-1777
Nava Correspondence re: montepio militar. 10-18-1796
Navarro Correspondence re: Montolla's request for release from Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. 06-08-1783
Neve Correspondence re: Montolla's request for release from Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. 06-08-1783
Nos y Monforte Correspondence re: payment to caja de Chihuahua from Renta de Tavacos/ 01-16-1793
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: payment to Corvalan for expenses incurred in forming cuenta de la expedicion de Sonora. 01-12-1776
Nava Correspondence re: peace and war with Apaches in Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcaya, including expenses and treatment. 02-20-1779
Navarro Correspondence re: relations with Apaches and various naciones del norte. 12-09-1777
Negreiros y Herrera Correspondence re: repayment to Echeveste for money he had advanced for expedition de Chihuahua. 07-24-1776
Navarro Correspondence re: request by Tovar for salary while employed as amanuense. 09-10-1791
Natanijui Correspondence re: requests by Apaches for peace; instructions for granting peace and maintaining Indians. 02-17-1790
Natage Correspondence re: requests by Apaches for peace; instructions for granting peace and maintaining Indians. 02-17-1790
Navarrete Correspondence re: return of criado Mesias to Spain as requested by his master, Bodega, upon his death. 04-06-1794
Noriega Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
