Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Jaramillo . Two declarations as to the number of livestock owned by Miguel Quintana for purposes of collecting the tithe. 10-01-1821
Jarelo Imperial regency. Copy of a decree concerning the return of confiscated goods. 12-15-1821
Jarri Alonso de Leon. Autos de guerra fechos por el general Alonso de Leon gobernador y capitan del presidio de esta probincia de Coaguila desde... 00-00-1687
Jose Maria Joseph Antonio de Arrieta a Narciso Muniz; Muniz' replies. Cartas escriptas por el theniente de gobernador del Paso, al capitan don... 01-17-1778
Juarez Juan Bautista Peru. Monthly revistas de tropas, Janos presidio, 1786; assorted documents. 00-00-1786
Juan Juarez Unsigned (many by Juan Bautista Peru). Copies of letters, communications to Jacobo Ugarte de Loyola, 1787, unsigned. 00-00-1787
Juarez Various authors. Miscellaneous documents concerning frontier military affairs, 1787. 00-00-1787
Joseph Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). 07-08-1733
Jauregui Urrutia Antonio Juaregui Urrutia vs. Cabildo and residents of San Fernando. Charges concerning failure to fence cornfields, and to tend cattle... 09-08-1737
Joaquin Torivio de Urrutia. Documentos sobre los asesinatos de Joseph Ganzabal y Juan Joseph Sains de Zevallos, ambos de San Xavier. 05-23-1752
Jauregui y Barrios Junta de guerra y hacienda. Investigation of French advance into Spanish territory. 09-00-1752
Joseph Junta de guerra y hacienda. Proceeding on captured Frenchmen and a new mission. 02-04-1756
Josepha Venta de escavo. 03-22-1760
Jorin Libro de cuentas de las tropas del presidio de Bexar. 01-01-1771
Josef Luis Croix (comandante general). Instrucciones al gobernador para el transporte del indio apostado Josef Luis de La Bahia a la Habana. 09-24-1778
Juan Cortes Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports arrival of two drummers for cavalry division of La Bahia and Bexar. 08-15-1779
Jil y Barba Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports on visit of Texas Indians. 08-20-1779
Jil y Barbo Garzo Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Concerns comanche attack on Bucareli and the establishment of a piquete at... 08-31-1779
Jil y Barbo Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports visit made by 5 Texas Indians and 5 lipan chiefs. 09-03-1779
Josef Grande El Marco Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports visit made by 5 Texas Indians and 5 lipan chiefs. 09-03-1779
Joseph Chiquito Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Concerns a visit by de meszieres and 25 tancagues. 10-19-1779
Joseph Chiquito Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports on visit by lipan Indians to Bexar. 11-02-1779
Justo Felipe de Luna. Proceedings steming from death of Felipe de Luna. 11-05-1779
Joseph Luis Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Transmits inquiry of La Bahia captain as to the inclusion of Indians in the... 11-17-1779
Joseph Luis Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions concerning imprisonment of two Indians and on matters relative to carancaguaces. 12-30-1779
Jose Maria Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Carancahuaz attack on grounded ship. 05-30-1780
Juranderena Cabello, Urbano Ynoxosa, Josef Marcos de Aguilar, et. Al. Contention of marriage of Maria de la Trinidad with Urbano Ynojosa. 06-04-1781
Jarias Domingo Cabello. 02-14-1782
Jaculchen Phelipe de Neve. Concerns cost of Indian trade, gifts to Indians and approval of appointment of a chief. 12-26-1783
Josef Rafael Josef (obispo). Edict allowing two masses on holy days of obligation. 11-11-1786
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (coronel). Discusses orders received concerning mescalero Apaches and other groups. 12-29-1786
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugarte. Discussion of settlement of lipanes at missions. 03-10-1787
Jose Maria Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports completion of orders to aid carancahuas on journey to the interior. 07-27-1787
Jose Maria Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports murder of Pedro Peres by carancahuas, also mutilation of the body. 08-02-1787
Jose Maria Juan de Ugalde to Martinez Pacheco. Copy of Ugalde's letter disapproving of Martinez Pacheco's treatment of lipanes. 08-23-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Martinez Pachero requests Cabildo of San Fernando to report on the state of affairs of Texas prior to his taking... 08-27-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of military reports, includes notice of death of sargento Perez during escort of... 09-15-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discusses state of affairs of Texas. 09-15-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of map, diary and Indian relations during Anglino's expedition to the coast. 09-29-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting management of affairs in Texas. 10-12-1787
Jose Maria Luis Cazorla. Discussion of Indian relations, and problem encountered due to heavy rains and flooding. 10-23-1787
Jose Maria Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. 10-27-1787
Jose Maria Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of expedition of 30 men, to the coasts, led by Maccelo Valdes, to obtain a meeting with... 11-07-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discusses seduction of coastal Indians. 11-10-1787
Jose Maria Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of relations with coastal tribes. 11-22-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of Cazorla's report on relations with coastal tribes. 11-26-1787
Jose Maria Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of Indian relations and war against casancahuas until they are exterminated if... 12-20-1787
