Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Jacome compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Jescas compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Jurado compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Jiorro compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Jauregui Military lists of companias Volantes and presidiales of Sonora. November, 1816. 11-01-1816
Jauregui Military rolls of companias Volantes and presidiales of Sonora and Nuevo Mexico. Diciembre, 1816. 12-01-1816
Joaquin numero 30. Excelentisimo senor. Por el oficio de vuestra excelencia del 16, ultimo y memorial que se sirve acompanarme 04-04-1791
Joaquin numero 48. Excelentisimo senor. En oficio numero 49, acompano la copia de que hace referencia el oficio de vuestra excelencia 05-31-1791
Jacinto numero 11. Senor comandante general. Con oficio de 14 del que govierna (que correspondia ir senalado con el numero 8) 01-20-1791
Jacinto List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Jasandi List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Juan El Chato List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Jose El Cautivo List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Jocien List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Jabier El Chico List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Jacinto Accounts of rations to specific Apache families at Bacoachi. 12-31-1790
Jose El Cautivo Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-28-1791
Jose El Cautivo Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 05-01-1791
Jantisi Concerning rations, accounts for Bacoachi Apaches. 04-15-1791
Joseph Accounts of rations for Bacoachi Apaches. 08-25-1791
Joseph El Cautivo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Jacinto Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Juli Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Javier El Chico Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Juan El Sundo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Jasque Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Juan El Zurdo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Judeo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Jose El Cautivo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Juan El Surdo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jasque Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Judeo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jayundi Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jose Antonio Sitabislone Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Josef El Cautivo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Jacinto Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Jude Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Javier El Chico Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Juan El Surdo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Jose Antonio Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Jabier El Chico Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Jasque Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Jose El Cautivo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Jacinto Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Juan El Surdo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Jayundi Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Jabier El Chico Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Jantel Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Joaquise Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Jacinto Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
