Joaquin |
Autos de guerra y sublevacion de la Tarahumara y demas naciones de indios. |
00-00-0000 |
Juan Antonio |
Autos de guerra y sublevacion de la Tarahumara y demas naciones de indios. |
00-00-0000 |
Juanillo |
yllmo. y excmo. Senor= sr.=... |
12-02-1738 |
Juan |
yllmo. y excmo. Senor= sr.=... |
12-02-1738 |
Juanillo |
Testimonio de autos sobre la trasladacion del rl. presidio del Sacramento |
09-31-1738 |
Jagle Bracho |
en la ciudad de Guadalaxara a 6 de febrero de 1745 ante el sr. licenciado d. Jph. Antonio Cavallero... |
02-06-1745 |
Jesus |
Relacion of the first expedition to the seno Mexicano by Jose de Escandon |
10-26-1747 |
Jesus |
Commentary on Escandon's report about the exploration of the seno Mexicano and his plan for its colonization. |
10-28-1747 |
Jauregui |
Autos related to the execution of the plan of colonization of the seno Mexicano proposed by Escandon. |
03-21-1748 |
Jesus |
Series of letters written by Escandon repoting advances in the colonization of the seno Mexicano |
01-08-1749 |
Justo Lorenzo |
Instrumentos con que el coronel don Joseph de Escandon comprueba haver concluido la poblacion que se le encargo en la costa de el seno... |
05-27-1753 |
Joseph |
Concerns establishment and general conditions of Burgos. |
07-07-1750 |
Jesus |
Report by Escandon to Guemes regarding conditions observed during recent trip to Llera. |
03-30-1750 |
Juan |
Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. |
12-13-1723 |
Jesus |
Tejas provinces missions' diaries by Ramon and Espinosa. |
00-00-1688 |
Jimenez |
Tejas provinces missions' diaries by Ramon and Espinosa. |
00-00-1688 |
Jose Maria |
Letters informing virrey about the possibility of opening a commerce to the provincias of the north. |
11-25-1787 |
Jesus |
Autos formed by the gobernador Theran informing virrey of the discovery of the anays and caddudachos nations . |
03-17-1792 |
Juana |
Journals from Theran for virrey informing all the surpassing details of the explorations. |
05-16-1691 |
Jesus Maria |
Journals from Theran for virrey informing all the surpassing details of the explorations. |
05-16-1691 |
Jesus Maria |
Series of receipts from religious and military stating what they received from the gobernador Theran. |
08-18-1691 |
Juliana Serafina |
Autos hechos sobre los exesos denunciados por el apoderado del Marques San Miguel de Aguayo que ejecuto el alcalde maior de Zelaya. |
08-16-1720 |
Jorge |
Juan Alarcon, Juan Ornelas, Santiago Mesa and Andres Gonzales are tried for the crime of desertion |
02-28-1818 |
Juarez |
Soldier Francisco rascon is tried for desertion. |
03-26-1818 |
Jacomes |
Charges against soldier Juan Granillo for injuring Maria Valentina Vega |
07-16-1819 |
Juarez |
Declaration formed concerning Pedro Carrasco of the 4th compania Volante for desertion, apprehended in this villa in union with a woman |
06-11-1818 |
Jaque |
Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey informing the situation from north Durango, Chihuahua, Nuevo Mexico and Texas. |
10-12-1813 |
Jaurrieta |
Provincias Internas de occidente numero 121-65 numero 40431. El excelentisimo senor comandante que de ellas remite la sumaria formada por... |
03-16-1820 |
Juarez |
Provincias Internas de occidente numero 83-65 numero 40068. El excelentisimo senor comandante que de ellas remite la sumaria contra Ramon... |
05-28-1819 |
Jaime |
Series of testimonies concerning charges by Escobar against minjares of shouting insults. |
07-17-1820 |
Johnson |
Series of transcripts of interrogations of Anglo-Americans caught trespassing in Texas. |
11-26-1819 |
Juan |
don Felipe Maria Calleja del rey.... documents concerning retirements and promotions. |
03-05-1816 |
Juarez |
Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora, Chihuahua. |
13-32-1789 |
Jas Kie Kanecjal |
Ugarte y Loyola reports to Revilla Gigeda on peace negotiations with Yagonxli. |
07-16-1790 |
Jose |
Letters concerning peace negotiations with lipiyanes, natahees, llaneros. |
06-27-1790 |
Joseph |
Documents concerning raids, plan for next campaign against Apaches. |
07-30-1790 |
Josen |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Juli |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Jachin |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Jasquigoca |
Documents concerning Opata, Chiricahua auxiliaries. |
09-14-1790 |
Juares |
Diaries of Martinez and Diaz sent from Ugarte y Loyola to virrey Florez. |
10-03-1788 |
Juares |
Correspondence related to diaries of Cordero's and Casanova's campaigns against Apaches. |
12-22-1788 |
Juarez |
Correspondence re: successes of Carasco and his partida de chiricaguis. |
04-23-1789 |
Juarez |
Correspondence re: Cordero's campaigns against Indians. |
09-11-1789 |
Juarez |
Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. |
08-29-1789 |
Jauregui |
testimonio de las bullas e instruccion, y real cedula expedida sobre la ereccion del obispado de Linares a favor de fray Antonio de Jesus... |
11-16-1778 |
Jano y Lopez |
expedientes sobre gobierno de la ministra del Nuevo Reyno de Leon y expolios del difunto ilustrisimo senor don fray Rafael Berjer. |
07-05-1790 |
Jauregui |
1329. (?)Uccion formada en virtud de acuerdo de supremo de las indias, y aprovada por el mismo con arreglo a lo por el rey |
02-14-1779 |
Juarez |
Legajo de lo operado en la contaduria mayor de cuentas sobre los cumulosos autos de la expedicion del capitan Fernando de Rivera y Moncada... |
03-16-1780 |
Juares |
Informe de don Manuel Garcia Ruiz sobre subministraciones de vestuario dado? A reclutas y soldados sobre lo que adeudava el difunto capitan... |
02-18-1780 |