Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
De Croix De Croix to Domingo Cabello. Gives instructions on matters concerning salaries and duties assigned to presidial gunsmiths. 01-27-1780
De Croix De Croix to Domingo Cavello. Transmites assessor's opinion on the establishment of Bucarely, and gives instructions for survey of land. 01-29-1780
De Croix De Croix to Domingo Cavello. Letter concerning administration matters at Bexar. 01-31-1780
De Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for the prevention of trade in firearms between lipan, coco and mayeyes. 02-01-1780
De Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Croix transmits royal decree regulating pensions to widows of military men. 02-03-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Transmits military reports of Bexar cavalry and discusses services rendered... 02-08-1780
de Messieres Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Transmits military reports of Bexar cavalry and discusses services rendered... 02-08-1780
De Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Dispatch transmitting royal decree authorizing Spanish subjects in America to carry on reprisals... 02-11-1780
De Messieres Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports on measures for payment of expenses connected with resuce of... 02-16-1780
Dontolan Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports on measures for payment of expenses connected with resuce of... 02-16-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Confirms report of hostilities between comanches and lipanes. 02-17-1780
de Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Discusses election of paymaster at La Bahia. 02-19-1780
De Messieres Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Discusses Nicolas Lemee appointment. 03-18-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Requests instructions for the disposal of contraband goods confiscated by... 03-18-1780
De Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for preventing military desertions and discusses punishment for deserters. 03-27-1780
De Croix Cavellero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Praises Cavello for improving conditions and discipline at Bexar and acknowledges receipt of... 03-27-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Acknowledges receipt of documents ordering survey of land for new town of... 04-01-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Reports steps taken on matters concerning requests made to Croix by Jose... 04-02-1780
de Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Praises Cavello's efforts for saving buffalo captured for the king and for handling all matters... 04-04-1780
De Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for election of presidio paymasters. 04-04-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello (gobernador) to de Croix (comandante general). Acknowledges receipt of royal orders regulating payment of pension to... 04-04-1780
De Croix Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for better management of tobacco. 04-19-1780
Diaz del Castillo Marcos Hernandez. Petition to export cattle. 06-01-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Receipt of orders concerning deserters. 06-03-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Receipt of royal cedula regulating English goods. 06-05-1780
De Croix Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello and others follow. Request for donations to free Indian captives. 06-08-1780
Dias del Castillo Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello and others follow. Request for donations to free Indian captives. 06-08-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Management of tobacco. 06-08-1780
de Croix Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Auction of contraband. 06-09-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Transmission of review reports of troops. 06-10-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Discusses Marcos Hernandez request to export cattle. 06-11-1780
De Anza Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Report of nationality of a group attacking Indians in New Mexico. 06-12-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Report of nationality of a group attacking Indians in New Mexico. 06-12-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Recapture of runaway Indians. 06-13-1780
de Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Indian activities and planned depredations. 06-17-1780
De Croix Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Approval of retirement. 06-18-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Deserter discussed. 06-18-1780
De Croix Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Discussion of new town of Bucarely. 06-19-1780
De Methieres Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Discussion of new town of Bucarely. 06-19-1780
De Croix Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Documents concerning powers and duties of presidial paymasters. 06-23-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Transmission of military reports including desertion of Jose Aguilar. 07-02-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Transmission of military service records of officers and sargeants. 07-03-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Transmission of military reports. 07-05-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Transmission of military criminal proceedings. 07-06-1780
Delgado Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Transmission of military criminal proceedings. 07-06-1780
Delgado Luis Cazorla. Charges brought against Luis Cazorla by Cabello and reply by Cazorla. 08-21-1780
De Croix Domingo Cabello to Teodoro de Croix. Deficits by abilitados. 11-11-1780
Dias del Castillo Domingo Cabello. Decree of municipal ordinances. 04-02-1781
Dias del Castillo Cabello, Urbano Ynoxosa, Josef Marcos de Aguilar, et. Al. Contention of marriage of Maria de la Trinidad with Urbano Ynojosa. 06-04-1781
Dias del Castillo Juan Jose Floes. Petition to export cattle proceeding. 07-11-1781
