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Person Last Name Document title Date
Domingues Pedro Maria de Allande. Criminal case against Juan Manuel Chavez for sheltering his son, a deserter from the Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. 01-18-1818
Delgado Pedro Maria de Allande. Possible Apache attacks. 07-01-1818
Dias Carlos de Moya-and-Manuel Marquez y Melo. Commercial partnership. 07-30-1818
Delgado Francisco Ygnacio de Madariaga. Criminal case against Jose Felipe Ortis for wife beating. no verdict. Document incomplete. 09-28-1818
Delgado Mariano Romero. Service records of the officers of the Santa Fe militia company. 12-31-1818
De la Pena Josef Mariano de la Pena-to-Facundo Melgares. 01-22-1819
De Arce Andres Gomes Sanudo-to-Jose Maria de Arce. Cover letter for a report on flints and munitions at Abiguiu. 01-28-1819
De Arze Rafael Montes-to-Jose Maria de Arze. Cover letter transmitting a report on gunpowder supplies, and on stone balls. 02-01-1819
De Hozio Francisco de Hozio-to-Facundo Melgares. Dealing with religion, but too damaged to ascertain precisely what. 02-27-1819
De Hozio Francisco Hozio-to-Facundo Melgares. 02-28-1819
De Arce Francisco Hozio-to-Facundo Melgares. 02-28-1819
De Arse Juaguin Mariano Pisio-to-Jose Maria de Arse. Receipt of letter. 03-06-1819
De la Pena Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. 03-15-1819
De Ortis Casmiro Salasar. 03-16-1819
De Trujillo Casmiro Salasar. 03-16-1819
De Equia Juan Ruiz de Apodaca. 03-17-1819
De Arce Facundo Melgares. 04-02-1819
De Madariaga Facundo Melgares. 04-02-1819
De Arce Jose Maria de Arce. Receipt for goods provided. (sesa-either fried brains or a type of fruit). 04-07-1819
Delgado Fernando Delgado. 04-21-1819
Duran Jose Francisco Duran. 04-29-1819
Duran Jose Francisco Duran. 04-29-1819
Dominguez Dominguez, Jesus. Petition requesting appointment to military position. 07-19-1819
Delgado Pino, Juan Esteban. List of citizens contributing to royal treasury and donations. 08-01-1819
Duran Receipt for arms stored and taken. 08-23-1819
Duran Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). 08-23-1819
Duran y Chaves Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. 09-09-1819
Dominguez Felipe Griego. A list of clothing distributed to members of the Santa Fe presidio company. 10-01-1819
Domingues Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to four individuals. 10-09-1819
Duran Bartolo Duran. Receipt for soap, sugar loaves, and ribbons sold to Bartolo Duran. 10-15-1819
Duran An order to have depts paid off. 10-19-1819
Duran Leiba, Jose Francisco. 12-27-1819
Duran . List of supplies given to members of the Santa Fe presidio. 05-06-1820
Delgado Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Delgado Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Account book of supplies provided to members of the Santa Fe presidio company and accounts of funds. 06-30-1820
Delgado Delgado, Fernando. Receipt for supplies of grain, soap, cigarettes, and sheep supplied to Fernando Delgado. 09-01-1820
Duran Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Duran Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Delgado Salasar, Francisco. Service records of officers of Santa Fee militia company. 12-31-1820
Dominguez Melgares, Facundo. Report on soldiers eligible for service premiums. 01-01-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Report on ayuntamiento of Pecos. 01-03-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on absence of elector Alexandro and settlement of a law suit. Reply appended. 02-19-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning transport of grain for the troops. Reply appended. 04-10-1821
Duran Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Domingues Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Domingues Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of letter concerning Duran's non compliance with an order to organize... 07-26-1821
Delgado Melgares, Facundo. Summons to Francisco Chavez to appear before government to retribute debt owed to estate of Fernando Delgado. 08-16-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on damages done by a group of comanches and asking for the formation of a contribution to a... 08-21-1821
Duran Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and communicating his (Duran's) willingness to... 08-23-1821
