Browse subjects

Article title Author Datesort descending Subjects
The utilization of mesquite and screwbean by the aborigines in the American Southwest W. H. Bell and E. F. Castetter 1937 SCREW BEAN
Vacationland A.C.Lockett III 1937 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL, 1926-1950
Aboriginal trade routes for sea shells in the Southwest D. D. Brand 1938 INDIANS, PREHISTORIC - TRADE AND TRADE ROUTES
Repairs to paving in the city of Phoenix J.A. McColm 1938 PHOENIX - STREETS
Snow removal Grant, F. N. 1938 ROADS
The early utilization and the distribution of agave in the American Southwest E. F. Castetter and others 1938 AGAVE
The early utilization and the distribution of agave in the American Southwest E. F. Castetter 1938 INDIANS - ETHNOBOTANY
The geographic setting of the middle Rio Verde Valley A. M. Allen 1938 VERDE VALLEY
The Papago villagers of Arizona and Sonora: types and sites J. W. Hoover 1938 PAPAGO INDIANS
Cerros de Trincheras in the Papago county of Arizona J. W. Hoover 1939 INDIANS, PREHISTORIC
A brief review of Arizona highway maintenance Hutchins, W. R. 1940 ROADS - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR
The edge of the desert F. Shreve 1940 CREOSOTE BUSH
The edge of the desert F. Shreve 1940 DESERT
The utilization of yucca, sotol, and beargrass by the aborigines in the American Southwest W. H. Bell and E. F. Castetter 1941 INDIANS - ETHNOBOTANY
The utilization of yucca, sotol, and bear-grass by the aborigines in the American Southwest W. H. Bell and E. F. Castetter 1941 YUCCA
Reference on the early history of the Tucson, Arizona, meteorites: the "Irwin-Aisna" and "Carleton" irons P. J. McCough 1943 METEORITES
We ran a river, Pt. I and II K.C.Den Dooven 1943 through 1947 COLORADO RIVER - DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL, 1951-
Further references on the early history of the Tucson, Arizona, meteorites P. J. McCough 1944 METEORITES
Handbook of Federal Indian law with reference tables and index 1945 INDIANS - LEGAL STATUS, LAWS, ETC
Yuma A. M. Halpern 1946 through 1947 YUMAN LANGUAGE
(Biographical sketches and original documents of the first Powell expedition of 1869) 1947 POWELL, JOHN WESLEY, 1834-1902
[Biographical sketches and original documents of the first Powell expedition of 1869] 1947 COLORADO RIVER - POWELL EXPEDITIONS
[Biographical sketches and original documents of the second Powell Expedition of 1871-72] 1947 COLORADO RIVER - POWELL EXPEDITIONS
The Navajo and Pueblo veteran, a force for culture change J. Adair 1947 NAVAJO INDIANS - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS
The Navajo and Pueblo veteran, a force for culture change J. Adair 1947 VETERANS
What modern parents can learn from the Navajos C. Kluckhohn 1947 NAVAJO CHILDREN
Southwestern Indians win the vote H. Christman 1948 INDIANS - LEGAL STATUS, LAWS, ETC
(Biographical sketches and original documents of the second Powell expedition of 1871-72) 1948 through 1949 POWELL, JOHN WESLEY, 1834-1902
[Biographical sketches and original documents of the second Powell Expedition of 1871-72] 1948 through 1949 COLORADO RIVER - POWELL EXPEDITIONS
Preliminary report of a Babocomari Indian village C. C. DiPeso 1948 through 1949 EXCAVATIONS (Archeology) - BABOCOMARI VILLAGE
The Colorado River irrigation W. E. Kelly 1948 through 1949 INDIANS - IRRIGATION
W. C. Powell's account of the Hopi towns 1948 through 1949 HOPI INDIANS
First deficiency appropriation bill for 1949 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on appropriations 1949 HOPI INDIANS - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS
First deficiency appropriation bill for 1949 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on appropriations, Hearings...81st Congr. 1st Sess. 1949 HOPI INDIANS - EDUCATION
Our clergy Victor R. Stoner 1949 CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ARIZONA
Our clergy. Tucson. The Bishop's Silver Jubilee Committee Victor R. Stoner 1949 TUCSON - HISTORY
The joker in the Navajo-Hopi bill O. LaFarge 1949 HOPI INDIANS - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS
The joker in the Navajo-Hopi bill O. LaFarge 1949 NAVAJO INDIANS - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS
Arizona Indians C. L. Tanner 1949 through 1950 INDIANS
Apache chief - 1949 model O.LaFarge 1950 RICHARDSON, STEPHEN
Byron Cummings B. Ellis 1950 CUMMINGS, BYRON, 1860-1954
Navajo education A. G. Harper 1950 NAVAJO INDIANS - EDUCATION
Salary data fo Arizona schools [ephemera] 1950 TEACHERS - SALARIES, PENSIONS, ETC.
Scorpions in Arizona J.N.Roney 1950 SCORPIONS
Code of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, 1951 1951 PHOENIX - HISTORY
Pioneer cattlemen of Arizona Willson, Roscoe G. 1951 ADAMS, JEFFERSON DAVIS, 1861-1934
Tucson Gas, Electric Light and Power Company special city election, May 15, 1951 1951 TUCSON GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY
Current Arizona bibliography D. M. Powell 1952 BIBLIOGRAPHY
