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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Antibiotics for sick saguaros February 1960 Westways
Zane Grey and Pleasant Valley February 1960 Westways
Zane Grey and Pleasant Valley February 1960 Westways
Desert jungle revisited February 1962 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage February 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage February 1973 Westways
Westways sixty-fifth birthday: a special section February 1974 Westways
A switch at the depot February 1976 Westways
Rural stamping grounds February 1976 Westways
Echoes from a cellblock February 1976 Westways
Papago priest February 1977 Westways
Kino and the missions of Mexico's Camino Real January 1937 Westways
From saguaros to skis January 1948 Westways
Parker Dam January 1950 Westways
Legends in sand January 1951 Westways
Home of the blue-green water people January 1952 Westways
Meet the coati mundi January 1953 Westways
Down the Grand Canyon by rail January 1953 Westways
The bridge that wanted to fly January 1955 Westways
The unchanging Papagos January 1956 Westways
The phantom horseman January 1957 Westways
The phantom horseman January 1957 Westways
Golden shower in Arizona January 1958 Westways
Primitive village in Havasupai Canyon January 1958 Westways
Bat Cave bonanza January 1958 Westways
Bat Cave bonanza January 1958 Westways
Bat Cave bonanza January 1958 Westways
Bat Cave bonanza January 1958 Westways
A dinosaur track, a broom and Poli January 1958 Westways
Science invades the (No Suggestions) January 1959 Westways
Keepers of the bighorns January 1959 Westways
A Hopi holiday January 1959 Westways
Treasure in a crater January 1963 Westways
New light at the OK Corral January 1964 Westways
A writer's landscape January 1974 Westways
A writer's landscape January 1974 Westways
Letter from the Southwest January 1975 Westways
Letter from the Southwest January 1977 Westways
American's crown jewels July 1946 Westways
Monument Valley July 1946 Westways
The Hopi knowns his rattlesnakes July 1946 Westways
The Hopi knows his rattlesnakes July 1946 Westways
The Smoki tribe: ... is not Indian though it is dedicated to perpetuating ancient Indian ceremonials July 1947 Westways
Mr. Cactus July 1947 Westways
Grand Canyon folds July 1948 Westways
The great diamond hoax July 1948 Westways
Cool Arizona July 1949 Westways
Oases in the sky July 1950 Westways
The Grand Canyon trail July 1952 Westways
Side show; off the beaten trail in the high plateau... is a fascinating trip to a wild and beautiful canyon July 1953 Westways
Navajo journey to the ocean July 1954 Westways
Ghost trail on the Border July 1956 Westways
Walnut's wonderful villages July 1957 Westways
The saga of Nadeau's team July 1957 Westways
Shop at the trading posts July 1958 Westways
