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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Chords and discords September 1977 Westways
Letter from the Southwest September 1976 Westways
A Yorkshireman wanders west September 1974 Westways
They live in Tubac September 1971 Westways
Adrift on the lower Colorado September 1970 Westways
Navajo hosts at Monument Valley September 1963 Westways
Helicopters over Rainbow Bridge September 1961 Westways
Action in Glen Canyon September 1960 Westways
Weird lilies of the desert September 1957 Westways
Weird lilies of the desert September 1957 Westways
Arizona borderland September 1955 Westways
Mountains are my home September 1952 Westways
Down to Thunder River September 1951 Westways
The Babbitt brothers September 1949 Westways
The remakable tale of James Ohio Pattie September 1949 Westways
The dean of the Southwest September 1948 Westways
Give me my boots and sunshine: Phoenix has an ace in the hole in its western atmosphere and knows how to make the most of it September 1947 Westways
Self-liquidating shipyard September 1944 Westways
Shot in the West October 1975 Westways
Begun in blunder, ended in blood October 1966 Westways
Begun in blunder, ended in blood October 1966 Westways
Begun in blunder, ended in blood October 1966 Westways
Flying down to Parker October 1965 Westways
We found a mighty river. October 1965 Westways
Mapping the Indian country October 1965 Westways
Where the Colorado meets the Gulf October 1965 Westways
The fugitive's ferry October 1965 Westways
Rapid descent with Norman Neville October 1965 Westways
The great water fight October 1965 Westways
Cradle of the Colorado October 1965 Westways
Str. Cocopah took 2 cords wood... October 1965 Westways
Requiem for the cactus pilots October 1963 Westways
Where the Papagos watched the stars October 1962 Westways
Up the river from Imperial October 1960 Westways
The sidewinder: Mohave menace October 1957 Westways
Unspoiled border village October 1956 Westways
Wickenburg: everybody's home town October 1956 Westways
Enchanting treasure of the padres October 1956 Westways
Temple worshippers October 1956 Westways
Temple worshippers October 1956 Westways
Desert in a capsule October 1953 Westways
Roaming the sun country October 1951 Westways
Lost mission of the Colorado October 1950 Westways
Desert dwellers October 1947 Westways
Lake Mead: man-made wonderland October 1947 Westways
Black widow, ebony queen of death October 1934 Westways
A dam site; better than an unleashed river November 1976 Westways
The paper that wouldn't die November 1975 Westways
The paper that wouldn't die November 1975 Westways
Puttin' up the dudes November 1973 Westways
The fathers of Pimeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The fathers of Pimeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The fathers of Primeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The fathers of the Pimeria Alta November 1972 Westways
Symbols in sand November 1972 Westways
