Westward (Prescott Courier)

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Kate Cory's journal of living with the Hopi August 6, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Little brothers.' August 8, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
A day in the life of the bookmobile August 8, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Walnut Grove flood August 8, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Walnut Grove flood August 8, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The unusual pole house August 8, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Little brothers' August 8, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Fattening cattle December 10 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Something new has been added December 12, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
These hills were alive with the sound of music December 12, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Dennis Dilda December 14, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Dennis Dilda December 14, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
A gentle revolt December 19, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott's first Christmas December 19, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The toughs, dudes and the hook and ladder December 20 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The word is elegance December 26, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Pat Castro; fireside chat with Arizona's First Lady December 3, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Using Arizona as a classroom December 3, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Using Arizona as a classroom December 3, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
A different kind of home December 3, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Still waters run deep December 5, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Manuel Grijalvi and Ramon Ortiz December 6, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
A tribute to a chieftess on the anniversary of her death December 6, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Digging up an old ruin February 13, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Digging up an old ruin February 13, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Oil in Chino Valley February 14, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Arizona statehood, a special valentine for America February 14, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Arizona statehood, a special valentine for America February 14, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Tale of the Lost Dutchman Mine of Yavapai County February 14, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott's 'darkest hour' February 20 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The big snow of 1967 February 20 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Early Prescott loved her lusty night life February 21, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Valley of the skulls February 21, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Jim Purvis February 21, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Whoopee-ti-yi-yo' February 26, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Candy man February 27, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Whoopee-ti-yi-yo' February 27, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Arizona's first paramedics February 27, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Bucket of Blood and other stories February 28, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Yavapai County courthouse February 28, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Lions, and tigers, and bears -- oh my! February 28, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Lions, and tigers, and bears -- oh my! February 28, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Dugas story: a look at both the man and the place February 6, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Dugas story: a look at bothe the man and the place February 6, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Tonto Thrift: story of a racehorse February 6, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Copper Basin mining February 7, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Spelunking January 10 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
St. Michael Hotel January 16, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
St. Michael Hotel January 16, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Dona Erickson: school nurse who traded in tongue depressor for an artist's brush January 16, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
John and Jessie Fremont January 17, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
John and Jessie Fremont January 17, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Sycamore Canyon --- wilderness area January 17, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Shrine at St. Joseph January 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Shrine of St. Joseph January 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
