Westward (Prescott Courier)

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More on robed men in funeral march January 23, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott in yesteryear January 24, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott in yesteryear January 24, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The 'Duke' in bronze January 24, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Fay Ward honored by the Cowboy Hall of Fame as Man of the Year January 30 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Fay Ward honored by the Cowboy Hall of Fame as Man of the Year January 30 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Solar energy January 31, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Hardyville toll road January 31, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Hardyville toll road January 31, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Volunteer fire department January 7, 1977 Westward (Prescott Courier)
A model shopping park January 7, 1977 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The wily coyote January 9, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Ku Klux Klan in Prescott January 9, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Granite Mountain School January 9, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Moviemakers found 'real' Old West in Yavapai County July 11, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Chieftess July 16, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Despite sister's pleas, Fleming Parker was last Prescott hanging July 18, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Despite sister's pleas, Fleming Parker was last Prescott hanging July 18, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The British are coming July 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Independence Day in old Bisbee July 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Orville D. Bozarth July 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
A campaign kickoff on Prescott's Courthouse step July 23, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Doors that tell a story July 25, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Youth Conservation Corps July 25, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Youth Conservation Corps July 25, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Bradshaws: Mines in the mountain that made Prescott July 26, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Sharlot Hall on men July 26, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Life at the White House July 26, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
To preseve and promote the culture of the American Indian.' July 30 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The astronomer --- the pony soldier --- and Mars July 30 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Rodeo clowns July 4, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Petroglyphs: prehistoric man created them -- modern man destroys them July 4, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Statler's assay office July 5, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Life in the Pioneer Home July 5, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Life in the Pioneer Home July 5, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott's Bicentennial Tree July 9, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
One day at a time July 9, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Riding with the Saddle Club June 11, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott under quarantine; 1918 flu epidemic hit hard June 11, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott under quarantine; 1918 flu epidemic hit hard June 11, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Drake June 13, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
All is not quiet on the hospital front June 13, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
What to see and do in the 1930s June 14, 1874 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The waters of Jordan June 14, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Buzzing around Bumble Bee June 14, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Prescott's historic bell June 18, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Joe Vest: a craftsman of rare quality June 20 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The childhood of a New York mayor. June 21, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Cleator June 21, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Ranch wife still calls the ranch home June 21, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Ranch wife still calls the ranch home June 21, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
From Prescott to the presidency June 21, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Community Nature Center June 25, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
The Old Mill Restaurant June 27, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Painting landscapes and digging post holes June 27, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
