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Ochoa taught gringos how to be Americans April 1964 Southwesterner
Small desert evergreen grows where once were only rocks placed by friend over lonely Arizona grave April 1965 Southwesterner
Small desert evergreen grows where once were only rocks placed by friend over lonely Arizona grave April 1965 Southwesterner
Tom Jeffords, the only white man to hold respect of Cochise, started life as riverboat captain April 1965 Southwesterner
Tom Jeffords, the only white man to hold respect of Cochise, started life as riverboat captain April 1965 Southwesterner
Parker did all right robbing trains, but hanged for killing April 1965 Southwesterner
Confessions ranch cook: "never say a homely cowboy." April 1966 Southwesterner
Confessions ranch cook: "never say a homely cowboy." April 1966 Southwesterner
Confessions ranch cooks "never saw a homely cowboy." April 1966 Southwesterner
Hundreds have hunted for John Lee's secret mine, but its location remains a tantalizing mystery April 1966 Southwesterner
Apache Kid forced into outlawry December 1961 Southwesterner
92-year-old Walter Hearn...tells his version how Apache Kid met death near Winston December 1963 Southwesterner
Frank Luke was a loner from Phoenix who loved to fight his own way December 1964 Southwesterner
Here's Apache Kid story as told originally by gentlemen of lod west who " paso por aqui." D 1964 December 1964 Southwesterner
Apaches unintentionally helped discover Clifton, Ariz December 1965 Southwesterner
Boxing bout at New Town near Morenci, Ariz., turns into poetry recital... December 1965 Southwesterner
Cochise praised six brave men who fought hundreds of Indians in 3-day fight at Doubtful Canyon February 1962 Southwesterner
Chief Victorio haunted General Hatch - even in press February 1968 Southwesterner
Mormons killed themselves and Apache Kid... but were never able to collect reward January 1964 Southwesterner
Search for Brunckow mine at Tombstone leads to discovery of ghost towns and Mormon site June 1967 Southwesterner
Missouri teacher learned a lot teaching in Morenci, Ariz., school June 1967 Southwesterner
Mirage in the wilderness? March 1966 Southwesterner
Deming woman "took" Holliday for 70,000 May 1962 Southwesterner
Nothing could stop this army surgeon from collecting birds, not even the Apaches; the story of Dr. Coues May 1966 Southwesterner
Anybody may be capable of killing an enemy, but Apache chief kills friend to prove point May-June 1965 Southwesterner
Iron Bridge is an Arizona ghost town where you can dance, drink and delight the boss, all at same time May-June 1965 Southwesterner
Step-daughter of man who killed Apache Kid has different story November 1963 Southwesterner
Fort Yuma was once Camp Calhoun, built to assist gold-rushers November 1967 Southwesterner
Noted artist died at Corralitos October 1964 Southwesterner
Boxing bout at New Town near Morenci, Ariz., turns into poetry recital... September 1965 Southwesterner