Prog Ariz

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
The Coronado Trail, a paradise for all August 1928 Prog Ariz
The Hopi snake dance August 1928 Prog Ariz
Winslow, surrounded on all sides by prehistoric lore August 1929 Prog Ariz
The valley of the monuments August 1929 Prog Ariz
Clifton, at the foot of the rainbow August 1929 Prog Ariz
The Rainbow natural bridge August 1929 Prog Ariz
Prescott, in the cow country August 1929 Prog Ariz
Arizona, the motorist's paradise August 1929 Prog Ariz
Forty-four years in the Arizona big woods August 1950 Prog Ariz
The country bank in your town and mine December 1925 Prog Ariz
A new agricultural section in Southwest Arizona December 1925 Prog Ariz
A substantial city in the Yuma Valley December 1925 Prog Ariz
Yuma, the "queen city on the Colorado." December 1925 Prog Ariz
How the Chamber of Mines aids mine development December 1925 Prog Ariz
How the Chamber of Mines aids mine development December 1925 Prog Ariz
How the Chamber of Mines aids mine development December 1925 Prog Ariz
The sodium sulphate deposits at Camp Verde December 1925 Prog Ariz
The pecan growing industry December 1926 Prog Ariz
The sunshine capital of America December 1926 Prog Ariz
The weeping virgin of Santa Rita December 1926 Prog Ariz
Discovering a new trail to the Rainbow Bridge December 1926 Prog Ariz
The San Carlos irrigation project December 1926 Prog Ariz
Interesting Arizonans December 1926 Prog Ariz
Open-air education in Arizona December 1926 Prog Ariz
Elden Pueblo December 1926 Prog Ariz
Vacationing on Y-Lightning December 1927 Prog Ariz
Yuma, Fortune's playground December 1927 Prog Ariz
The new Temple of Music and Art in Tucson December 1927 Prog Ariz
The new Temple of Music and Art in Tucson December 1927 Prog Ariz
Arizona tours December 1927 Prog Ariz
Prosperity in a nut shell December 1927 Prog Ariz
Is your body being constructed, or is it growing like a weed December 1928 Prog Ariz
It's Air-izona now December 1928 Prog Ariz
New blood in an age old country December 1928 Prog Ariz
The ghost bell December 1928 Prog Ariz
Steamboating on the Colorado, the story of early navigation on the "Red River" of the West December 1928 Prog Ariz
Rancho Manzanito December 1928 Prog Ariz
Yuma, sons of the river December 1929 Prog Ariz
Southwestern states possess a romantic past December 1929 Prog Ariz
The co-eds at the U. of A. also have their sport December 1929 Prog Ariz
An equitable basis for solution of the Colorado River controversy December 1929 Prog Ariz
William Christian, alias Black Jack December 1929 Prog Ariz
The rope and the wild cow December 1930-January 1931 Prog Ariz
Prison days on the Arizona frontier December 1930-January 1931 Prog Ariz
Favorites and fancies of Dr. Munk December 1931 Prog Ariz
Fifty years in Paradise December 1931 Prog Ariz
Fifty years in Paradise December 1931 Prog Ariz
Fifty years in Paradise, the story of James C. Hancock, Arizona pioneer December 1931 Prog Ariz
Fifty years in Paradise, the story of James C. Hancock, Arizona pioneer December 1931 Prog Ariz
The root eaters of Papago land December 1931 Prog Ariz
Meet the Sidney Smiths December 1931 Prog Ariz
A fantastic forest December 1932 Prog Ariz
Scouting with Colonel Shafter in 1882 December 1932 Prog Ariz
Arizona irrigates December 1932 Prog Ariz
Lillian Wilhelm Smith, Southwestern artist December 1932 Prog Ariz
