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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
A Mexican raid on the Hopi pueblo of Oraibi January 1944 Plateau
The distribution of the Indians of Arizona in 1848 January 1945 Plateau
Paleoecology of three faunules in the Permian Kaibab formation at Flagstaff, Arizona January 1945 Plateau
Canyon: the trail of scientists January 1946 Plateau
Spindle-spinning: Navajo style January 1946 Plateau
How the Hopi handle rattlesnakes January 1947 Plateau
What is a kachina? January 1947 Plateau
Original colors preserved in fossil seashells January 1947 Plateau
How do you know where to look for them? January 1948 Plateau
Pinyon resin varnish - a possible industry for the plateau areas of Arizona and New Mexico January 1948 Plateau
Montezuma Well January 1948 Plateau
Excavations in Big Hawk Valley January 1949 Plateau
Hopi yucca baskets January 1949 Plateau
The beginning of the age of dinosaurs in northern Arizona January 1950 Plateau
The Flattop site in the Petrified Forest National Monument January 1950 Plateau
Notes on obsolete Navaho ceremonies January 1951 Plateau
Mohave chieftainship in action: a narrative of the first contacts of the Mohave Indians with the United States January 1951 Plateau
Mohave chieftainship in action: a narrative of the first contacts of the Mohave Indians with the United States January 1951 Plateau
Native Navaho methods for the control of insect pests January 1952 Plateau
The relation of geologic activity to the origin of parks and prairies near Flagstaff, Arizona January 1952 Plateau
A brief history of the Yavapai of the middle Verde Valley January 1952 Plateau
A brief history of the Havasupai January 1953 Plateau
Irataba - "Chief of the Mohave" January 1953 Plateau
Iratabe - "Chief of the Mohave" January 1953 Plateau
Paleontology at the Museum of Northern Arizona January 1954 Plateau
Four prehistoric sights near Mayer, Arizona whicih suggest a new focus January 1954 Plateau
A survey of the butterflies of the Verde Valley January 1954 Plateau
Alexander O. Brodie, 1898-1955 January 1955 Plateau
Notes on the discovery of Kiet Siel January 1955 Plateau
Plant life zones January 1955 Plateau
An artifact of human bone from eastern Arizona January 1955 Plateau
The role of caves in dating Grand Canyon January 1955 Plateau
The role of caves in dating Grand Canyon January 1955 Plateau
The role of caves un dating Grand Canyon January 1955 Plateau
A singua kiva January 1955 Plateau
A pinon nut cache near Tonopah January 1956 Plateau
Tracks and trackways of northern Arizona - a record of the past January 1956 Plateau
A trance experience January 1956 Plateau
The 1955 Pollock site excavation January 1956 Plateau
The stages of fill a room 10 at the Pollock site January 1957 Plateau
The stages of fill of room 10 at the Pollock site January 1957 Plateau
Stoneman's Lake January 1957 Plateau
Stoneman's Lake January 1957 Plateau
The library of the Museum of Northern Arizona January 1957 Plateau
The library of the Museum of Northern Arizona January 1957 Plateau
A cache of prehistoric implements from northeastern Arizona January 1957 Plateau
A Cohonina burial January 1957 Plateau
A Cohonina cremation January 1957 Plateau
A Cohonina cremation January 1957 Plateau
Excavations at Two Cinder Park phase sites January 1959 Plateau
Part II: Physiography of San Juan Canyon January 1959 Plateau
Notes of Arizona flora January 1959 Plateau
Some aspects of physical anthropology that can aid the archaeologist January 1959 Plateau
Some aspects of physical anthropology that can aid the archaeologist January 1959 Plateau
Possible fossils from the early proterozoic Bass formation, Grand Canyon, Arizona January 1959 Plateau
