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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
A guide to the continental triassic of northern Arizona July 1947 Plateau
Hopi dieties July 1947 Plateau
Life in an ancient Arizona sea July 1948 Plateau
John D. Lee and the Havasupai July 1948 Plateau
Navajo classification of natural objects July 1948 Plateau
John D. Lee and the Havasupal July 1948 Plateau
hopi Indian costume July 1949 Plateau
The botany of Montezuma Well July 1949 Plateau
The botany of Montezuma Well July 1949 Plateau
The braiding of a Hopi wedding sash July 1949 Plateau
Present trends in weaving on the western Navajo reservation July 1950 Plateau
The Kaibab formation of Sycamore Canyon July 1950 Plateau
The Dry Creek site: a pre-pottery lithic horizon in the Verde Valley, Arizona July 1950 Plateau
Permian stratigraphy in eastern Arizona July 1951 Plateau
Two pueblo ruins in the Verde Valley July 1951 Plateau
The Tewa Indians of the Hopi country July 1952 Plateau
The Concho complex: a popular report July 1952 Plateau
The Concho complex: a popular report July 1952 Plateau
Geological research at the museum July 1953 Plateau
Biology: the first twenty-five years July 1953 Plateau
Twenty-five years of anthropology July 1953 Plateau
Twenty-five years of anthropology July 1953 Plateau
Art department of the Museum of Northern Arizona July 1953 Plateau
History of the Museum of Northern Arizona July 1953 Plateau
Geological research at the museum July 1953 Plateau
Some aspects of Zuni law and legal procedure July 1954 Plateau
Petrographic art in Glen Canyon July 1954 Plateau
Desmatosuchus July 1954 Plateau
An unusual goldfinch nest July 1954 Plateau
Ferns and flowering plants of Havasu Canyon July 1955 Plateau
Mammals new to Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona July 1955 Plateau
Mammals new to Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona July 1955 Plateau
Awatovi bows July 1955 Plateau
Awatovi bows July 1955 Plateau
Ferns and flowering plants of Havasu Canyon July 1955 Plateau
Remanent magnetization of lava flows in northern Arizona July 1956 Plateau
Alcove house at N. A. 5700 July 1956 Plateau
Cave evolution in Marble Gorge of the Colorado River July 1956 Plateau
Cave evolution in Marble Gorge of the Colorado River July 1956 Plateau
Names at Wupatki July 1956 Plateau
Names at Wupatki July 1956 Plateau
A possible prehistoric shrine in eastern Arizona July 1957 Plateau
Heltagito rockshelter July 1957 Plateau
Colton's Chirotherium July 1957 Plateau
I. Archeology of Curtain Cliff site. P. V. Long, Jr. II. Physical anthropology of Curtain Cliff Site July 1960 Plateau
Impact of pipeline archaeology on Indian prehistory July 1960 Plateau
Impact of pipeline archaeology on Indian prehistory July 1960 Plateau
Physical enthropology of Curtain Cliff site July 1960 Plateau
Pleistocene cinder dunes near Cameron, Arizona July 1960 Plateau
Pleistocene cinder dunes near Cameron, Arizona July 1960 Plateau
Excavation at the Ash Creek site, NA 6657, upper Agua Fria drainage July 1960 Plateau
Grand Falls June 1930 Plateau
Techniques of the major Hopi crafts June 1931 Plateau
Wool for our Indian weavers - what shall it be? June 1932 Plateau
Wool for our Indian weavers - what shall it be? June 1932 Plateau
