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Pipe line to progress Winter 1955 Pipeliner
Pipe line to progress Winter 1955 Pipeliner
End of the line Winter 1952 Pipeliner
End of the line Winter 1952 Pipeliner
Ghost town of the Colorado River Winter 1952 Pipeliner
Cities we serve - Tucson Summer 1955 Pipeliner
The case of misbehaving bridge Summer 1954 Pipeliner
The case of the misbehaving bridge Summer 1954 Pipeliner
The Cochise pipeliners Summer 1952 Pipeliner
The land of Cochise Summer 1952 Pipeliner
Blueprint for a boom town Spring 1954 Pipeliner
Tucson compressor station October 1970 Pipeliner
Window Rock families spend an afternoon at the Navajo Tribal Fair October 1961 Pipeliner
The green islands of Arizona; a visit to Company installations in irrigated sections of the state October 1958 Pipeliner
Keeping pace with Tucson October 1958 Pipeliner
Keeping pace with Tucson October 1958 Pipeliner
You can't keep a good bridge down June 1972 Pipeliner
Two towns copper built: Globe and Miami June 1958 Pipeliner
Two towns copper built: Globe and Miami June 1958 Pipeliner
Contract archeology February 1977 Pipeliner
Contract archeology February 1977 Pipeliner
The "Last Cattle Drive" February 1976 Pipeliner
They're drilling for coal February 1973 Pipeliner
Navajo install tribal chairman February 1971 Pipeliner
Three on 66 February 1960 Pipeliner
Three on 66 February 1960 Pipeliner
Three on 66 February 1960 Pipeliner
Phoenix; growing industrial might promises big future for Arizona's chief city February 1958 Pipeliner
Phoenix; growing industrial might promises big future for Arizona's chief city February 1958 Pipeliner
Arizona stations keep busy moving the gas February 1958 Pipeliner
The cowboy Indians December 1971 Pipeliner
Yuma: winter lemon capital December 1968 Pipeliner
Call it Stujkshon of Tucson, it's a city in a hurry December 1968 Pipeliner
The bottle collector December 1967 Pipeliner
Tuba City December 1964 Pipeliner
Prescott, Arizona Autumn 1954 Pipeliner
Pipeline archeologists Autumn 1953 Pipeliner
The Navajo; proud, capable, ambitious, he lives in want; given proper opportunity he would do much for himself and his country Autumn 1950 Pipeliner
The San Juan project Autumn 1950 Pipeliner
Our archeologists Autumn 1950 Pipeliner
Chiricahua Mountains August 1975 Pipeliner
The hot, lonely line August 1968 Pipeliner
A bridge, a dam, a new town August 1959 Pipeliner
Flagstaff August 1959 Pipeliner
To the stars August 1959 Pipeliner
Arts and crafts, dances and rodeos; the Navajo Tribal Fair has appeal for westerners, tourists and Indians August 1958 Pipeliner
The Navajo tribal council: An Indian legislature works hard to improve the lot of its people August 1958 Pipeliner
The Navajo tribal council: An Indian legislature works hard to improve the lot of its people August 1958 Pipeliner
Navajos, scenery and uranium; Rare Metals' Tuba City uranium mill sits in scenic area of Navajo land August 1958 Pipeliner
Phoenix April 1974 Pipeliner
Phoenix April 1974 Pipeliner
Phoenix Pipeline District April 1974 Pipeliner
Famous landmark maintains tradition April 1974 Pipeliner
From the reservation to the city April 1974 Pipeliner
From the reservation to the city April 1974 Pipeliner
