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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
The Spanish Phoenix: a profile of a proud minority group January 1968 Phoenix
The Spanish Phoenix: a profile of a proud minority group January 1968 Phoenix
Ship Rock January 1968 Phoenix
The changing resort scene January 1968 Phoenix
Ship Rock January 1968 Phoenix
Crazy Ed's...packs 'em in every night of the week January 1969 Phoenix
1968: it was a very good year - for crime January 1969 Phoenix
Boyhood memories of downtown Phoenix January 1969 Phoenix
High on a sunny hill January 1969 Phoenix
The McCulloch story January 1969 Phoenix
The Chinese in Phoenix January 1970 Phoenix
Accident January 1970 Phoenix
The creative Ditsons January 1970 Phoenix
Retreat on the desert January 1970 Phoenix
Tucson: our sister city to the south January 1970 Phoenix
Tucson:the growing up years January 1970 Phoenix
Turf Paradise where the action is January 1970 Phoenix
Casa Encantada January 1970 Phoenix
A guide to the lures of Scottsdale January 1971 Phoenix
Children's crusades sometimes win January 1971 Phoenix
Arizona's laws are lagging: abortion is a fact January 1971 Phoenix
Scottsdale's quality, "a very fragile thing." January 1971 Phoenix
Mammoth discovery January 1971 Phoenix
Energetic is the word for art January 1971 Phoenix
A thriving, growing place January 1971 Phoenix
Look what's happened to the little houses on north Third Street January 1972 Phoenix
Reminiscences about a famous son January 1972 Phoenix
Trail ride January 1972 Phoenix
Naming streets January 1972 Phoenix
Naming streets January 1972 Phoenix
The Tom Mix memorial January 1972 Phoenix
Unique patio home in the desert January 1973 Phoenix
The Valley's school districts: a continuin look and the problems and pulses January 1973 Phoenix
Southern exposure January 1973 Phoenix
The Valley's school districts: a continuing look at the problems and pluses January 1973 Phoenix
Growth: the tale of two cities January 1973 Phoenix
The Corrals of Scottsdale January 1973 Phoenix
The Corrals of Scottsdale January 1973 Phoenix
Climbing along with Phoenix January 1973 Phoenix
Fish Creek ... oasis on the Apache Trail January 1974 Phoenix
Fish Creek... oasis on the Apache Trail January 1974 Phoenix
Animal shelters - good or bad? January 1974 Phoenix
Preserving the charm of a gracious old home January 1974 Phoenix
Sharing the beauty of the Indian's world January 1974 Phoenix
Sharing the beauty of the Indian's world January 1974 Phoenix
The pen, the sword, and the six-gun January 1974 Phoenix
The pen, the word, and the six-gun January 1974 Phoenix
Lew Davis: conversations and conclusions January 1974 Phoenix
The transportation crisis: an updated report January 1975 Phoenix
Mining black diamonds January 1975 Phoenix
Mining black diamonds January 1975 Phoenix
The ad game; Phoenix style January 1975 Phoenix
The Valley's Arabian horse ranches January 1976 Phoenix
Scottsdale vs. business January 1976 Phoenix
Her honor, the mayor . . . January 1976 Phoenix
