Old West

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
The second Lorenzo, the Great Summer 1973 Old West
Don of Ganado Summer 1973 Old West
Night of terror Summer 1974 Old West
Tough warriors Summer 1975 Old West
Tough warriors Summer 1975 Old West
Good to the last ounce Summer 1975 Old West
Good to the last ounce Summer 1975 Old West
Good to the last ounce Summer 1975 Old West
The other world of the Superstitions Winter 1964 Old West
The other world of the Superstitions Winter 1964 Old West
The other world of the Superstitions Winter 1964 Old West
The other world of the Superstitions Winter 1964 Old West
The other world of the Superstitions Winter 1964 Old West
The Apache Kid, Arizona terror Winter 1965 Old West
The boy geronimo missed Winter 1966 Old West
Ghostly Camp Crittenden Winter 1966 Old West
Apache tears Winter 1967 Old West
Apache tears Winter 1967 Old West
Tucson's most famous saloon. Winter 1968 Old West
Tucson's most famous saloon Winter 1968 Old West
Lost ingots from the Ajo mine Winter 1969 Old West
Bonanza in the Santa Ritas Winter 1970 Old West
Bonanza in the Santa Ritas Winter 1970 Old West
Arizona's great horse gather Winter 1971 Old West
The Great Western Winter 1972 Old West
The Great Western Winter 1972 Old West
The Great Western Winter 1972 Old West
The Great Western Winter 1972 Old West
Lost lead/silver vein on New River Winter 1974 Old West
