Mag Tuc

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Riding for fun at Col, Besley's stables June 1948 Mag Tuc
High, wide and handsome June 1949 Mag Tuc
High, wide and handsome, Rancho Grande Hotel ... June 1949 Mag Tuc
Man with a civic message June 1949 Mag Tuc
It's not sea shells she sells In Chicago; Lolita Linn pilots "Arizona in Chicago" to sell the desert June 1949 Mag Tuc
Designer of homes for desert living June 1950 Mag Tuc
Designer of homes for desert living, Tucson's Jimmy Goebl... June 1950 Mag Tuc
This Indian is a genius June 1950 Mag Tuc
This Indian is a genius; Harrison considered on of America's most brilliant Indian artists June 1950 Mag Tuc
The story of the Kachina dolls June 1950 Mag Tuc
How Arizonans lived a thousand years ago June 1950 Mag Tuc
Hizzoner the mayor June 1951 Mag Tuc
Mundey Johnston, President of Tucson's Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Johnston is also a Vice-president of the Valley National Bank June 1951 Mag Tuc
The story of Tucson's Grand Central Aircraft Company. June 1951 Mag Tuc
The West's most Western painter June 1951 Mag Tuc
They are you forests, parks and monuments June 1951 Mag Tuc
Tucson takes to the mountains June 1952 Mag Tuc
A picnicking we will go June 1952 Mag Tuc
El Tejano June 1952 Mag Tuc
Townsfolk June 1952 Mag Tuc
How to beat the heat in Tucson June 1952 Mag Tuc
Grand Canyon or bust in that merry chuggmobile June 1952 Mag Tuc
Climbing through the window June 1952 Mag Tuc
Tucson's scouts camp at historic fort June 1952 Mag Tuc
Arthur N. Pack helps community build new museum June 1952 Mag Tuc
A steer is sending a girl to college June 1953 Mag Tuc
An arms expert and a celebrated knife June 1953 Mag Tuc
An arms expert and a celebrated knife June 1953 Mag Tuc
Ancient cars chug to ancient canyon June 1953 Mag Tuc
Ancient cars chug to ancient canyon June 1953 Mag Tuc
Ask any question - she'll answer it June 1953 Mag Tuc
They call them quarter horses March 1948 Mag Tuc
Meet a Tucson personality March 1948 Mag Tuc
Spanish isn't easy but it's fun March 1948 Mag Tuc
Classics and cowlicks; the Tucson Boy's choir March 1948 Mag Tuc
The woman's world March 1948 Mag Tuc
The woman's world March 1948 Mag Tuc
The woman's world March 1948 Mag Tuc
The women's world March 1948 Mag Tuc
Leading citizen Monte Mansfield March 1949 Mag Tuc
The ranchers' supply man March 1949 Mag Tuc
Wizard in watercolor March 1949 Mag Tuc
Your blood is his business March 1949 Mag Tuc
The history of Tucson March 1949 Mag Tuc
Man from Missouri March 1949 Mag Tuc
The musical Porters, the employees of Porters Tucson store and Mr. and Mrs. Porter play in the West's most Western band March 1949 Mag Tuc
The musical Porters; the employees of Porters Tucson store and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Porter play in the West's most Western band March 1949 Mag Tuc
A famous Tucson landmark, the quaint old adobe building March 1950 Mag Tuc
A famous Tucson landmark, the quaint old adobe building; a ten room and five charming shops in an old territorial setting. March 1950 Mag Tuc
A girl in love with the golden West March 1950 Mag Tuc
Buck Jones is the cowbow's friend. March 1950 Mag Tuc
Buck Jones is the cowboy's friend; an ex-cowboy himself, Buck caters to the tastes and needs of westerners. March 1950 Mag Tuc
A monument to America's youth March 1950 Mag Tuc
A moving force in the world of art: the story of the tucson's watercolor guild. March 1950 Mag Tuc
The story of the Desert Garden Club March 1950 Mag Tuc
