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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Incident at Short Creek; mighty Arizona puts down an insurrection September 1953 Frontier
Incident at Short Creek; mighty Arizona puts down an insurrection September 1953 Frontier
Will Arizona legalize gambling? September 1, 1950 Frontier
Shift in Arizona; two-party system is emerging from post-war migration into the state May 1956 Frontier
Three letters, please May 1952 Frontier
Frontiersman Joseph Stocker May 1, 1950 Frontier
The plight of the Papagos March 1952 Frontier
Washington report; a new slant on the California-Arizona water controversy March 15, 1950 Frontier
The politics of fear July 1966 Frontier
The politics of fear July 1966 Frontier
The politics of fear July 1966 Frontier
Desert demagogue; a red-hunting ex-disc jockey turned news commentator is now a self-appointed Paul Revere riding the airwaves in Arizona July 1952 Frontier
Desert demagogue; a red-hunting ex-disc jockey turned news commentator is now a self-appointed Paul Revere riding the airwaves in Arizona July 1952 Frontier
Big water is big business July 1951 Frontier
Big water is big business July 1951 Frontier
The pleasant primitive; McCarthy's smiling Arizona errand boy January 1954 Frontier
How Goldwater won in Arizona January 1953 Frontier
How Goldwater won in Arizona January 1953 Frontier
Hyow Goldwater won in Arizona January 1953 Frontier
Arizona labor camp clean-up January 1952 Frontier
The big grab in Arizona February 15, 1950 Frontier
The big grab in Arizona February 15, 1950 Frontier
What happened and why December 1958 Frontier
Arizona's case for additional water December 1951 Frontier
A reply to Arizona December 1, 1949 Frontier
Arizona's fight for life December 1, 1949 Frontier
McFarland tries again in Arizona August 1954 Frontier
The Colorado River controversy August 15, 1950 Frontier
The Colorado River controversy August 15, 1950 Frontier
Arizona's new liberal movement August 1, 1950 Frontier
Arizona's new liberal movement August 1, 1950 Frontier
Segregation's last stand; the prospective victory over discrimination in Arizona's schools may be the inspiration for a comparable struggle in the deep south April 1951 Frontier