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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Trekking for pleasure April 1938 Desert
The desert is an Indian drugstore April 1944 Desert
The desert is an Indian drugstore April 1944 Desert
Desert thrashers April 1961 Desert
The big snow April 1961 Desert
The big snow April 1961 Desert
The big snow April 1961 Desert
America's cameleers April 1964 Desert
Hovering over Nummel's gold April 1965 Desert
Hovering over Nummel's gold April 1965 Desert
The treasure of Tumacacori April 1966 Desert
The treasure of Tumacacori April 1966 Desert
The Lost Dutchman legend April 1966 Desert
Yuma then; Yuma now April 1967 Desert
Lake Powell; adventure is now April 1967 Desert
The blooming cactus April 1967 Desert
in the shadow of a legend April 1968 Desert
Ghosts; do not disturb! April 1968 Desert
Rawhide to riches at Ajo April 1968 Desert
The peculiar peccary April 1971 Desert
Mysterious Yaqui Indian rituals April 1972 Desert
Ghostly kilns of Cochran April 1972 Desert
Mysterious Yaqui Indian rituals April 1972 Desert
Phantom ship of the Gran Desierto April 1974 Desert
The desert king April 1975 Desert
62 years a trader in Apache land August 1938 Desert
Artist of Copper Canyon August 1948 Desert
Backstage at the Pow Wow August 1961 Desert
A guide to cool country in southern Arizona August 1961 Desert
What's behind the desert mirage? August 1961 Desert
Brawny men and true steel; the story of hard-rock drilling, the desertland's forgotten sport August 1961 Desert
Rise and fall of the Gilla mustang August 1961 Desert
Jesuit gold August 1962 Desert
Mine, minnows, and marinas of Lake Mohave August 1963 Desert
Scorpions August 1964 Desert
Buried treasure nobody can dig August 1964 Desert
Indian trails of '72 August 1972 Desert
Indian trails of '72 August 1972 Desert
Indian trails of '72 August 1972 Desert
Beaver-r-r-r-r! August 1973 Desert
Little Colorado's Grand Falls August 1973 Desert
Yuma gold! August 1973 Desert
Yuma gold! August 1973 Desert
Yuma gold! August 1973 Desert
The vampire bat August 1975 Desert
Arizona's ocean August 1975 Desert
Indians, cowboys and art August 1975 Desert
Desert plant life August 1975 Desert
Crossing Grand Canyon by foot August-September 1966 Desert
Kino's grave is found August-September 1966 Desert
Wild hollyhocks of the desert December 1940 Desert
Clown of the wastelands December 1954 Desert
Holiday bouquet: desert holly, mistletoe December 1961 Desert
The vanishing bighorn December 1963 Desert
Bonanza in the Bradshaws December 1963 Desert
