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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Wild daisies of the desert January 1943 Des
Wild pie plant February 1947 Des
Wildlife photographer October 1960 Des
Wildlife photographer October 1960 Des
Will the desert become the powerplant for a new world September 1955 Des
Winged hunter of the desert May 1943 Des
Winged visitors of the desert October 1941 Des
Wings in saguaroland October 1956 Des
Wings in the desert hills February 1954 Des
Winning a degree the pick and shovel way October 1948 Des
Winning a degree the pick and shovel way October 1948 Des
Witchin' for gold January 1965 Des
With Harry Goulding in Mystery Valley August 1957 Des
With Harry Goulding in Mystery Valley August 1957 Des
Without pawn July 1950 Des
Wolf men of the Navajo January 1948 Des
World of the saguaros April 1976 Des
Worshippers of the Red-Tailed Hawk September 1968 Des
Writer of the Chiricahuas June 1952 Des
Yaqui Easter April 1960 Des
You're sure to meet the blue daleas March 1944 Des
Yucca gun may create an industry October 1949 Des
Yucca moth, a desert romance December 1942 Des
Yucca moth, a desert romance December 1942 Des
Yuma territorial prison March 1960 Des
Yuma's sunshine reporter March 1938 Des
Zuni gods that dance November 1959 Des
Zuni gods that dance November 1959 Des
Zuni vacation November 1959 Des
[untitled] January 1958 Des
