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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
The unfinished ceremony 1960 Des
The unfinished ceremony 1960 Des
Serpentine miners of Salt Creek Canyon April 1956 Des
They found a market for rattlesnake bones April 1938 Des
They found a market for rattlesnake bones April 1938 Des
Master of the Colorado April 1938 Des
Cooling the desert by evaporation April 1938 Des
Summer comfort for desert dwellers April 1938 Des
Masqued passion play of the Yaquis April 1939 Des
The silly coyote April 1939 Des
He painted the Yaquis April 1939 Des
When Easter comes to Grand Canyon April 1939 Des
Lost Apache gold mine April 1940 Des
Harmless reptiles of the desert April 1940 Des
Watering place on the devil's highway April 1940 Des
Lost Yuma ledge April 1941 Des
No-mah, the Navajo weaver April 1941 Des
No-mah, the Navajo weaver April 1941 Des
Golden blossoms on the desert April 1941 Des
Time marches on in Pimeria April 1942 Des
Feathery dusters for desert fairies April 1942 Des
Bird with the barbed tongue April 1942 Des
Bee cave lined with crystals April 1942 Des
When scalp hunters ran the Yuma ferryboat April 1943 Des
When scalp hunters ran the Yuma ferryboat April 1943 Des
When scalp hunters ran the Yuma ferryboat April 1943 Des
When scalp-hunters ran the Yuma ferry-boat April 1943 Des
Spanish inscription in the Big Carriso April 1943 Des
Basket maker and thirst quencher for the Indian April 1943 Des
The changeable gilias April 1944 Des
Craftsman in cactus wood April 1944 Des
Craftsman in cactus wood April 1944 Des
Curse of the thunder gods April 1945 Des
The three who were lost April 1945 Des
The three who were lost April 1945 Des
The three who were lost April 1945 Des
Untamed lily April 1945 Des
Long walk of very slim man April 1946 Des
Long walk of very slim man April 1946 Des
Master of camouflage April 1946 Des
Weaving girl of the Navajo April 1946 Des
Tree that jumps April 1946 Des
Lost John Clark silver mine April 1947 Des
His protection, speed and color April 1947 Des
Fremont's pepper-grass April 1947 Des
He saved the life of a savage April 1947 Des
Apache ghosts guard the Aravaipa April 1948 Des
Geodes and palms in the Kofa country April 1949 Des
Goedes and palms in the Kofa country April 1949 Des
Lizard with spots and speed April 1949 Des
Crimson splashes on the desert April 1950 Des
Attaki spends his poker winnings April 1951 Des
Geodes on an old silver trail April 1951 Des
Geodes on an old silver trail April 1951 Des
Desert botanist of Tucson April 1951 Des
