Ariz Engr Scientist

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Arizona Power Authority and the Colorado April 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
What it is and what it does April 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona Power Authority and the Colorado April 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Phoenix weather since 1896 April 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Technical board's new secretary April 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona's fine weather the smog culprit April 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona's fine weather the smog culprit April 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
The U. S. Army Electronic Proving Ground August 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Native Arizonian represents council August 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Behind the scenes at Clarkdale August 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Utilizing electronic computers to increase highway engineering productivity December 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Engineering expands at Arizona State December 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Beam sweeps Arizona December 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Old fort becomes army's electronic proving ground December 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Phoenix weather too good February 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Leigh O. Gardner February 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Engineer of the month February 1961 Ariz Engr Scientist
January engineer of month February 1961 Ariz Engr Scientist
Motorola semiconductor division January 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Progress of the electrical industry in Arizona January 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
The Kennecott smelter at Hayden January 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
They said it couldn't be done January 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Colossus of the desert January 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona gold rush January 1961 Ariz Engr Scientist
University of Arizona buys reactor July 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Yuma Axis Steam Plant July 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
The men who serve you at Arizona Testing Laboratories July 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Microwave magic July 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Gila Bend test facility: the war to clear the airwaves July 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
Gila Bend test facility: the war to clear the airwaves July 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
Guano from Grand Canyon June 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Community television June 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Verde Valley to yield 3 million-year-old "lake" deposit June 1959 Ariz Engr Scientist
Desert observatory June 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona Power Authority and the Colorado March 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona Power Authority and the Colorado March 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Versatile prof. March 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
More electric power from Arizona Public Service Company March 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Biographical sketch March 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Engineer of the month March 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Hello, Central, get me: Flagstaff-Phoenix microwave communications system March 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Engineer of the month May 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Where it comes from May 1963 Ariz Engr Scientist
AiResearch expansion November 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
U. of A. Institute of Atmospheric Physics November 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
U. of A. Institute of Atmospheric Physics November 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
Old fort becomes army's electronic proving ground November 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
General Electric computer activities October 1957 Ariz Engr Scientist
Arizona's budding astronomical observatory October 1958 Ariz Engr Scientist
New "Buckeye" for Arizona October 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist
Sky high air conditioning September 1960 Ariz Engr Scientist