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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Indian achievement award goes to Annie Waukena September-October 1959 Amerindian
Indian achievement award goes to Annie Wauneka September-October 1959 Amerindian
Sam Ahkeah, Navajo tribal chairman, chosen for 1953 achievement award September-October 1953 Amerindian
Thomas Segundo selected for achievement award September-October 1952 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth November-December 1956 Amerindian
Maricopas launch self-help program for economic gain November-December 1954 Amerindian
Navajos establish scholarship plan May-June 1958 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth May-June 1956 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth March-April 1957 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth March-April 1957 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth March-April 1956 Amerindian
This be the verse you grave for me... March -April 1955 Amerindian
Annie Wauneka receives presidential freedom award July-August 1963 Amerindian
Award for Navajo July-August 1957 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth July-August 1956 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth January-February 1957 Amerindian
Round Rock, the stork of community growth January-February 1956 Amerindian
Round Rock; the story of community growth January-February 1956 Amerindian