Amer Antiquarian

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Article titlesort ascending Date Journal Title
The Po-Boc-Tu among the Hopi July 1894 Amer Antiquarian
The Moqui snake Dance July 1895 Amer Antiquarian
The Great Plateau and its inhabitants January 1900 Amer Antiquarian
Remarkable Arizona ruin July 1895 Amer Antiquarian
Remarkable Arizona ruin July 1895 Amer Antiquarian
Pictographs and rock-paintings of the Southwest July 1893 Amer Antiquarian
History and the architecture of the Tusayans January 1896 Amer Antiquarian
History and architecture of the Tusayans January 1896 Amer Antiquarian
History and architecture of the Tusayans January 1896 Amer Antiquarian
History and architecture of the Tusayans January 1896 Amer Antiquarian
Ancient and modern pueblos compared November 1896 Amer Antiquarian
Ancient and modern pueblos compared November 1896 Amer Antiquarian
Aboriginal turquoise mining in Arizona and New Mexico September-October 1899 Amer Antiquarian
A pre-historic mountain village May-June 1900 Amer Antiquarian
A pre-historic mountain village May-June 1900 Amer Antiquarian