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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
(blog sketch) October 1930 AHR
(Obituary) April 1931 AHR
(obituary) April 1931 AHR
(Obituary) January 1932 AHR
(Obituary) January 1932 AHR
(Obituary) January 1932 AHR
(obituary) October 1929 AHR
A Good Indian October 1930 AHR
A project for exploration presented by Juan Bautista de Anza April 1936 AHR
A Spanish expedition into Arizona Apacheria January 1935 AHR
An Indian scare October 1928 AHR
An outline of southwestern prehistoric April 1930 AHR
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona January 1931 AHR
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona April 1931 AHR
Anza's California expeditions January 1932 AHR
Apache misrule; a bungling agent sets the military arm in motion April 1931 AHR
Arizona begins law-making April 1928 AHR
Arizona in 1881 - official roster January 1929 AHR
Arizona Place names January 1933 AHR
Arizona Place names April 1935 AHR
Arizona's frontier press January 1935 AHR
Cattle July 1931 AHR
Col. James Harvey McClintock, pioneer, historian, soldier, and citizen January 1935 AHR
Coming of the Kearney expedition April 1928 AHR
Don Lorenzo Hubbell of Ganado April 1931 AHR
Edward William Nelson, naturalist, explorer, writer and Arizona cattleman October 1935 AHR
Es-kim-in-zin April 1929; July 1929 AHR
Es-kim-in-zin July 1929 AHR
Experiences of an Indian scout, exceprts from the life of John Rope, and "old timer" of the White Mountain Apaches, as told to Grenville Goodwin January 1936 AHR
Experiences of an Indian scout, exceprts from the life of John Rope, and "old timer" of the White Mountain Apaches, as told to Grenville Goodwin April 1936 AHR
Extracts from notes of travel from Fort Yuma to Tucson from the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle January 1935 AHR
Father Jacobo Sedelmayr, S. J. a forgotten chapter in Arizona missionary history January 1936 AHR
First term district court held in Graham county October 1928 AHR
Foreword to "Some unpublished history of the Southwest" April 1931 AHR
Group of the first Arizona officials July 1929 AHR
Highlights on Arizona's first printing press October 1930 AHR
Inspecting historic missions July 1928 AHR
Killing of Judge and Mrs. McComas October 1928 AHR
Kino Memorial Committee April 1928 AHR
Letter from J. Coyle July 1935 AHR
Letter to Mrs. Ross July 1936 AHR
Our advent into the great Southwest; reminiscences of fifty years ago October 1929 AHR
Outpost of empire October 1932 AHR
Quest of the Gran Quivira July 1935 AHR
Recollections of early day mining in Arizona April 1935 AHR
Reminiscences October 1935 AHR
Resources of the Salt River Valley, 1872 July 1936 AHR
Reunion notes July 1928 AHR
Reunion notes April 1929 AHR
Reunion notes July 1929 AHR
San Carlos blasted into dust; the historic Apache Indian Agency at San Carlos, Arizona, leveled by dynamite April 1930 AHR
San Carlos blasted into dust; the historic Apache Indian Agency at San Carlos, Arizona, leveled by dynamite April 1930 AHR
Some unpublished history of the Southwest April 1931 AHR
The Apaches' last stand in Arizona, the battle of the Big Cry Wash January 1931 AHR
The Apaches' last stand in Arizona, the battle of the Big Dry Wash January 1931 AHR
