Yrureta Goyena |
diligencias practicadas por el teniente letrado asesor interino del govierno, comandancia general, e intendencia de esta ciudad de... |
02-21-1817 |
Yriarte |
Diligencias' concerning auctions held at mission in Nuevo Santander. |
12-28-1793 |
Yrribaren |
Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. |
01-20-1772 |
Ysquisis |
Discourse concerning reales de minas at la Cieneguilla, Sonora. |
01-20-1772 |
Yruegas |
Discourse related to investigation of possible French settlements in area of Los Tejas |
05-05-1703 |
Yruegas |
Discourse to viceroy |
02-27-1702 |
Yturrigaray |
Discussion about introduction of mescal into California |
00-00-1796 |
Yriba |
Discussion of mining on the California peninsula. |
08-09-1782 |
Yescas |
Discussion of Vicarra's prison sentence for charges of treason and murder; copy of real cedula. |
05-21-1785 |
Ybarra |
Discussion of Vicarra's prison sentence for charges of treason and murder; copy of real cedula. |
05-21-1785 |
Yermo |
Disparate collection of letters, informes from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera... |
11-12-1783 |
Yniguez |
Disposition of contraband of otter skins found aboard anglo-ameican fragata Alexander de Boston while in San Diego |
07-19-1802 |
Ybiricu |
Division of water sources among Indians of mission San Antonio and settlers from the Canary Islands. |
06-02-1731 |
Yturrigaray |
dn. Francisco Galas teniente retirado de cavalleria de las Provincias Internas sobre que se le coloque en rentas o se le de una compania de... |
12-15-1804 |
Yrigoyes |
Documentation of transfer of funds and payment of libranzas from caja de Chihuahua. |
01-24-1793 |
Ybarren |
Documentation of transfer of funds and payment of libranzas from caja de Chihuahua. |
01-24-1793 |
Yribarra |
Documents comprising resume (service record) of Orozco. |
06-06-1787 |
Yriguen |
Documents concern crimes committed by Ramon and witnesses' testifying against him. Diligencias practicadas sobre la conducta del... |
12-10-1795 |
Yturbe E Yraeta |
Documents concerning Abalos accusing Olasaran of imperiosity, mistreatment of troops. |
12-25-1805 |
Yturbe |
Documents concerning accusations made by Garza against Munoz of possession of contraband jewelry. |
07-07-1809 |
Yriarte |
Documents concerning accusations of mistreatment of Indians in missions in alta California |
08-20-1778 |
Yundisu |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Yitoe |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Yaschil |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Ya Anson |
Documents concerning Apaches in reduccion at Bacoachi . |
08-30-1790 |
Yturrigaray |
Documents concerning audit of accounts of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso during their administration by Sagarraga. |
09-09-1800 |
Yxan |
Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. |
11-24-1788 |
Yanxandile |
Documents concerning capture, reduccion of Apaches. |
11-24-1788 |
Yriarte |
Documents concerning death of Sastre. |
03-17-1773 |
Yturrigaray |
Documents concerning defense plans to prevent U.S. invasion of Texas and reports of troop strengths at Texas presidios. |
11-08-1808 |
Yzurrieta |
Documents concerning free trade between provincias of Luisiana and Texas. |
06-02-1783 |
Yxart |
Documents concerning J.E. Serna's professional misconduct. |
12-22-1803 |
Yenez |
Documents concerning J.E. Serna's professional misconduct. |
12-22-1803 |
Yturde E Yraeta |
Documents concerning J.E. Serna's professional misconduct. |
12-22-1803 |
Yturralde |
Documents concerning military bonus pay. |
06-23-1817 |
Ybarra |
Documents concerning military bonus pay. |
06-23-1817 |
Ynojosa |
Documents concerning minting of coins, house arrest of Sierragorda. |
03-06-1772 |
Yuixas |
Documents concerning minting of coins, house arrest of Sierragorda. |
03-06-1772 |
Yagongli |
Documents concerning Opata, Chiricahua auxiliaries. |
09-14-1790 |
Ysquetis |
Documents concerning pacification of Chiricahua, pinal Apaches. |
07-29-1790 |
Yage |
Documents concerning pacification of Chiricahua, pinal Apaches. |
07-29-1790 |
Yxart |
Documents concerning personal, professional conflict with Serna. |
03-10-1804 |
Yermo |
Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. |
09-23-1803 |
Yturrigaray |
Documents concerning plans by Gonzalez del Castillo to increase productivity of haciendas owned by Fondo Piadoso. |
09-23-1803 |
Yoquasi |
Documents concerning proposed transfer of population of Santa Gertudis to warmer climate. |
02-19-1725 |
Yahuari |
Documents concerning proposed transfer of population of Santa Gertudis to warmer climate. |
02-19-1725 |
Yzquierdo |
Documents concerning proposed transfer of population of Santa Gertudis to warmer climate. |
02-19-1725 |
Ydalgo |
Documents concerning pueblo revolt of 1680 and requests for aid. |
11-30-1682 |
Ysurieta |
Documents concerning rebel raid against and money missing from treasury at Bajan |
05-29-1819 |
Ybardo |
Documents concerning reciprocal trade between Louisiana and Texas and on the equipping of a port on the coast of the latter. |
09-23-1778 |