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Person Last Name Document title Date
Xaramillo El gobernador to los alcaldes mayores de varios jurisdicciones. Bando relating to steps to be taken to curb the lack of military discipline... 07-11-1708
Xixonsa Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador de Santa Fee. Writs, declarations, testimony pertaining to the suit against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 10-29-1710
Xaranillo Duran y Chaves, Fernando de to Gonzales, Juan. Suit: proceeding in suit against Chaves for assault on Gonzales. 01-20-1712
Ximenez de los Cobos Linares, Duque de (virrey) to Penuela, Marques de la Indians. 04-13-1712
Xptobal Truxillo, Joseph to Quintana, Miguel de. Suit: Quintana accuses Truxillo of stealing his horses. 08-08-1712
Xaramillo . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Xiron Bueno de Bohorques, Francisco Joseph. Power of attorney of soldiers for the collection of their pay. 05-16-1714
Xiron de Texeda Bueno de Bohorques, Francisco Joseph. Power of attorney of soldiers for the collection of their pay. 05-16-1714
Xiron Bueno de Bohorques, Francisco Joseph. Power of attorney of soldiers for the collection of their pay. 05-16-1714
Ximenes Soldier of presidio of Santa Fe. Formal letter granting power of attorney for the soldiers of the presidio to Antonio de Tapia. 12-23-1717
Ximenes Soldiers of Santa Fe presidio. Grant of power of attorney by the men of the presidio to captain Juan Bautista Lopez. 07-29-1718
Xiron Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (general). testimonio de informacion que en virtud de poder del general Antonio de Valverde de cosio hizo... 00-00-1721
Xiron Ortiz, Nicolas (capitan). Criminal case against Nicolas Ortiz (capitan) relating to dispute over irrigation of lands. 07-16-1722
Xaramillo Afan de Rivera, Francisco. Settlement of estate of Francisco Afan de Rivera. 05-13-1726
Xiron Afan de Rivera, Francisco. Settlement of estate of Francisco Afan de Rivera. 05-13-1726
Xaramillo Gonsales Bas, Juan. Proceedings in case against Jacinto Sanches for wounding Bartolome Fernandez. 09-23-1733
Xaramillo Paez Hurtado, Juan (theniente). Junta de guerra in Alburquerque against Apaches. 01-22-1734
Xuramillo Gonsales Bas, Juan. Proceeding - Francisco de la Cruz for the murder of Juan Chavez. 10-07-1735
Xaramillo Olavide y Michelana, Henrique (gobernador) to alcaldes mayores. Bando of the governor prohibiting trade with gentile Indians, publications... 01-07-1737
Xaramillo Xaramillo, Geronimo to Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). Proceedings in case against Cristobal Garsia, Sr. and Cristobal Garsia, Jr. For... 07-09-1737
Ximenez Vaques Juan Joseph de Aramburu. Diligencias sobre deudores vecinos de este reyno, a don Juan Joseph de Aramburu vecino de Chiguagua 03-15-1740
Xarmillo Court martial of a corporal and others for negligence. 06-18-1742
Xavier de Soria Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Testimonio a la letra del despacho librado por el senor juez del real derecho de media anata. 10-27-1746
Xaramillo Domingo Luxan. Una petizion presentada ante el senor vicario y juez eclesiastico por Domingo Luxan, soldado de este real presidio. 08-09-1755
Xaramillo Barbara Garzia. Proceedings to recover animal and other debts owed to the deceased husband of Barbara Garzia. 11-08-1762
Xavier Lasso, Joseph Maria/Vildosola, Joseph de. Contracts for weavers to teach their craft. 09-03-1805
Ximenes Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Criminal case against Felipe Sandoval for treason and iniciting rebellion. 12-06-1805
Xaques Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general)-to-Jose Manrrique. Letters to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of reports, and notifying... 07-27-1809
Xigado Governador ynterino del Nuevo Mexico to comandante general. Re: the recently concluded campaign against the Apaches. 06-30-1810
Ximenez Calleja, Felix. Re: trial and sentencing of captured rebel leaders. 04-20-1811
Ximenex Calleja, Felix. Re: trial and execution of rebel leaders and other rebels. 05-27-1811
Ximenez de Sandobal Moreno, Valentin. Accounts of expenditures on gifts to Indian allies. 01-30-1812
Ximenes Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. 10-17-1817
Xaramillo Francisco Vorrego-and-Andres Sanudo. List of soap provided to three members of the Santa Fee presidio company. 02-08-1819
Xaramillo Manuel Antonio Garcia del Valle-to-Facundo Melgares. A letter concerning the ownership of a mule. 04-30-1819
Xaques Griego, Felipe. Interrogation of settler who had recently visited the comanches. 10-08-1819
Xaramillo Melgares, Facundo to Xaramillo, Josef. Reporting on local elections and acknowledging receipt of bando. Reply appended. 02-11-1821
Xaramillo Xaramillo, Jose to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on equiping a force of 100 men, problems involved and attitude of people. Reply of October... 10-14-1821
Xaramillo Xaramillo, Jose to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on Miguel Sanches' failure to report for campaign duty. 10-24-1821
Xavier de Molina Ignacio Duquesney al padre visitador general Joseph Xavier de Molina. Letter concerning Yaqui revolt. 07-07-1740
Ximenes de Canas Padre Lorenzo Joseph Garcia al padre provincial Matheo Ansaldo. 2 letters from Garcia concerning Yaqui revolt. 07-14-1741
Ximenez Caro Justice, Cabildo and settlers of San Fernando vs. Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Proceedings concerning failure to comply with regulation... 10-00-1732
Ximenez Justice, Cabildo and settlers of San Fernando vs. Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Proceedings concerning failure to comply with regulation... 10-00-1732
Ximenez Domingo de Hoyos vs. Aparicio Ximenez. Hoyo's expose of plot by Ximenez to assassinate Hoyo. 05-22-1735
Ximenez Domingo de Hoyos vs. Aparicio Ximenez. Hoyo's expose of plot by Ximenez to assassinate Hoyo. 05-22-1735
Ximenes Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. 09-25-1735
Ximenez Documents concerning release from prison of San Antonio de Bexar of the courier Aparicio Jimenez. 01-24-1736
Ximenez Documents concerning release from prison of San Antonio de Bexar of the courier Aparicio Jimenez. 01-24-1736
Ximenez Caro Carlos de Franquis Benites de Lugo al Marques de Torreblanca. Report concerning mismanagement and corrupt practices of governing officials... 08-26-1739
Ximenes Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Peticion requesting documents concerning removal of French presidio at Nachitoches. 09-25-1741
