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Person Last Name Document title Date
Verastegui Index of the letters from Pedro de Nava, describing concerns in Provincias Internas del poniente de la Nueva Vizcaya. 06-03-1791
Vidal Index of the letters from Pedro de Nava, describing concerns in Provincias Internas del poniente de la Nueva Vizcaya. 06-03-1791
Villegas Index of the letters from Pedro de Nava, describing concerns in Provincias Internas del poniente de la Nueva Vizcaya. 06-03-1791
Vildosola Index of offices and letters received and remitted by Nava to virrey from November, 1791 to May, 1792 11-11-1791
Vial Index offices from Pedro de Nava concerning Provincias Internas de la Nueva Vizcaya affairs. 05-31-1792
Vidal de Lorca Index offices from Pedro de Nava concerning Provincias Internas de la Nueva Vizcaya affairs. 05-31-1792
Vidal de Lorca Viceroy's letters to Nava referring to orders and dispatches about military and religious positions, and administrative paperwork. 09-27-1790
Valdez Nava's correspondence re: military conduct; Bejar company; finances; receipt of dispatches; and pensions. 10-16-1790
Vorica Nava's correspondence re: military conduct; Bejar company; finances; receipt of dispatches; and pensions. 10-16-1790
Vidal de Lorca Nava's correspondence re: military and religious appointments; military salaries and pensions; military administration. 01-19-1791
Vidal de Lorca Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military appointements; relaying of orders; funds used in transport 12-27-1790
Valenzuela Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military appointements; relaying of orders; funds used in transport 12-27-1790
Valle Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military appointements; relaying of orders; funds used in transport 12-27-1790
Vidal de Lorca Correspondence between Nava and Revilla Gigedo re: military personnel, finances and murder of peaceful Indians by soldiers. 01-01-1791
Valdes Nava's correspondence concerning unidentified ships firing in bay of San Juan. 02-27-1791
Villaescusa Nava's correspondence concerning unidentified ships firing in bay of San Juan. 02-27-1791
Villaescusa Nava's correspondence concerning search for ships sighted off Tiburon coast. 05-02-1791
Valdes Nava's correspondence re: pensions; military and civil personnel' military appointments; civil administration. 07-01-1772
Volasco Carrasco Nava's correspondence re: pensions; military and civil personnel' military appointments; civil administration. 07-01-1772
Vidal de Lorca Nava's correspondence re: pensions; military and civil personnel' military appointments; civil administration. 07-01-1772
Villasenor Nava's correspondence re: military personnel and appointments; vandos; civil administration 00-00-1784
Valles Nava's correspondence re: Diaz de Luna's conduct; Alferez appointments; troop debts; chaplain Cortes. 03-02-1791
Vraga Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. 06-04-1789
Villavicencio Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. 06-04-1789
Vranga Nava's correspondence re: military appointments for Santa Fe, Tucson, and Cerrogordo; and retirements. 07-01-1791
Vinuega Nava's correspondence re: military appointments for Santa Fe, Tucson, and Cerrogordo; and retirements. 07-01-1791
Vallesteros Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; invalids and retirements; vandos. 02-27-1791
Vildosola Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; invalids and retirements; vandos. 02-27-1791
Venegas Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; paymaster bankruptcies; Concha's return to Mexico for medical care. 07-13-1789
Valle Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; paymaster bankruptcies; Concha's return to Mexico for medical care. 07-13-1789
Valle de Suchil Nava's correspondence re: Alferez appointments in Bautista, and discussion of creation of ayudante inspector posts. 06-00-1778
Veles Capuchin Nava's correspondence re: Alferez appointments in Bautista, and discussion of creation of ayudante inspector posts. 06-00-1778
Vaamonde Letters from Vaamonde and Baltierra to virrey concerning the granting of retirement to Baltierra for wounds received in Indian attack. 11-28-1794
Vidal de Lorca Correspondence with virrey concerning granting of sick leave to Vidal de Lorca. 03-01-1795
Vidal de Lorca Correspondence between Conde de la Sierra Gorda and virrey concerning naming of new Alferezes to replace those killed or wounded during... 03-07-1795
Vidal de Lorca Daily logs and monthly rosters of troop strength at Santander and Llera. 01-31-1795
Vial Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse military and administrative affairs. 04-10-1793
Velasquez Correspondence between Nava, Conde del Campo de Alange, and virrey concerning diverse military, fiscal, and administrative affairs. 07-16-1793
Valle de Orizaba Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 01-08-1794
Valle de Orizaba Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Ventura Moreno Correspondence concerning award of back pay owed to Ventura Moreno by Pagaduria del Saltillo. 10-12-1795
Vidal Bureaucratic correspondence between Nava and Branciforte regarding procedural matters of Provincias Internas. 02-08-1796
Vidal de Lorca Bureaucratic correspondence between Nava and Branciforte regarding procedural matters of Provincias Internas. 02-08-1796
Velarde Military service records of Merino and series of recommendations from high officials that he receive promotion and pay increase; handled by... 07-15-1782
Vidal Correspondence from Nava to virrey regarding procedural matters such as defense of northern borders. 12-29-1795
Vidal de Lorca Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Villalon Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Villarreal Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Vedia y Pinto Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Venavides Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
