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Person Last Name Document title Date
Vidal de Lorca Documentos de inspeccion de las tres companias Volantes de la colonia del Nuevo Santander pertenecientes al ano de 1792. 12-31-1791
Vidal Cuenta del fondo de gratificacion de la primera compania del Nuevo Santander, ajustada por fin de diciembre de 1791. 01-01-1792
Vidal de Lorca Tercera compania Volante. Cuenta del fondo de gratificacion de hombres desde fin de 90 hasta fin del 1791. 12-31-1791
Vidal Letters from Lacomba to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting the tercera compania Volante. 02-09-1789
Venavidez Letters from Lacomba/Cossio to Ugalde; concerning a variety of matters affecting la tercera compania Volante de la colonia del Nuevo... 06-30-1789
Velasco Re: court-material of Serna, teniente de primera compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 11-29-1792
Vidal de Lorca Documents regarding criminal case taken against Segovia, soldier of segunda compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 11-21-1791
Vidal de la Orca Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Vaamonde Villamil Various military instancias fron Nuevo Leon. 00-00-1760
Vargas Various military instancias fron Nuevo Leon. 00-00-1760
Vaamonde Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Vidal Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Vaamonde Villamil Military service records, presidio de Lampazos. 01-08-1760
Valenzuela Military service records, presidio de Lampazos. 01-08-1760
Vaamonde Military accounts and other manifests of flying company at Lampazos. 12-31-1791
Vaamonde Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Velasco Extracto general of military reviews of flying company of Lampazos, 1791, 1792. 01-03-1791
Vaamonde Vaamonde's suggestions re: vacancies at Lampazos. 10-15-1791
Vaamonde Military diaries and estados de fuerza for presidio of Lampazos for years of 1791, '92 and '93. 03-01-1791
Vaamonde Estados de fuerza for San Juan Bautista de la punta de Lampazos for 1792. 01-03-1792
Vaamonde Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Valdovin Letters to Castro describing situation of desertor in Laredo. 01-24-1792
Vidal de Lorca Letters from Diaz and Vidal concerning conditions and activities of companies in Laredo. 02-03-1792
Vela Letters from Diaz and Vidal concerning conditions and activities of companies in Laredo. 02-03-1792
Velarde Letters from Diaz and Vidal concerning conditions and activities of companies in Laredo. 02-03-1792
Vidal de Lorca Letters to Castro concerning the activities and conditions of military companies in Nuevo Santander. 08-06-1792
Velazco Expositions from soldiers accompanying the padre conductor to missions of Texas. 12-07-1792
Vidal de Lorca Letters from Diaz to Castro concerning activities and conditions of military companies in Santander. 05-03-1792
Valdes Letter from Emparan to viceroy concerning charges leveled against Emparan by Castro. 05-24-1791
Valdes Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Valdez Letter to virrey from Columna summarizing 14 charges of insubordination leveled against Emparan by Castro. 19-16-1791
Valdes Letter from auditor de Guerra to virrey reviewing charges of insubordination leveled against Emparan by Castro. 02-27-1792
Ventura Moreno Letters to viceroy concerning charges of disrepect made by Castro against Ventura Moreno. 09-04-1792
Ventura Moreno Letter from Castro to viceroy concerning dispute between Castro and Ventura Moreno. 09-04-1792
Ventura Moreno Letter from Ventura Moreno to auditor de Guerra and virrey concerning charges made against him by Castro. 10-22-1792
Ventura Moreno Letters to viceroy concerning dispute between Castro and Ventura Moreno. 10-22-1792
Ventura Moreno Series of letters relating to Emparan's replacement by acting governor Gutierrez de la Cueva. 08-27-1791
Valdes Letter from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan's insubordination. 04-00-1791
Valdes Series of letters concerning Emparan's failure to follow Castro's orders regarding precautions against Indian attack. 04-00-1791
Valdes Series of letters concerning deposition to be made by Valdes. 05-00-1791
Valdes Letter from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 06-27-1791
Valdes Letters between Castro and Emparan concerning selection of secretary to handle criminal case against Menchaca. 07-13-1791
Ventura Moreno Letters concerning charges of insubordination leveled by Castro against Emparan. 07-29-1791
Valdes Letters concerning charges of insubordination leveled by Castro against Emparan. 07-29-1791
Ventura Moreno Letters between Emparan and Castro concerning dispute over appointment of Ventura Moreno as teniente gobernador militar. 07-29-1791
Ventura Moreno Letter from Castro to virrey concerning arrangements for Emparan's removal as governor. 09-14-1791
Ventura Moreno Letters from Castro and virrey concerning insubordinate behavior of Emparan and Ventura Moreno. 09-06-1791
Ventura Moreno Letter from Castro to virrey concerning complaints against Emparan. 10-18-1791
Ventura de Taranco Copy of title of governorship granted to Emparan by king. 10-31-1790
Vidal de Lorca Letters between Ugalde, Castro & Revilla Gigedo about financing & upgrading of Casa Fuerte in Santa Rosa valley. 05-31-1791
