Vaen |
Slave sale. |
07-05-1654 |
Villa Lengues |
Slave sale |
09-08-1654 |
Veles de Escalate |
Sinodos de los 38 religiosos que administran las misiones Fernandinas de la Nueva California respectivos al presente ano de 1809. Other... |
03-16-1809 |
Vildosola |
Sinodos de los 38 religiosos que administran las misiones Fernandinas de la Nueva California respectivos al presente ano de 1809. Other... |
03-16-1809 |
Vallejo |
Sinodos de los 38 religiosos que administran las misiones Fernandinas de la Nueva California respectivos al presente ano de 1809. Other... |
03-16-1809 |
Vinas |
Sinodos de los 38 religiosos que administran las misiones Fernandinas de la Nueva California respectivos al presente ano de 1809. Other... |
03-16-1809 |
Vildosola |
Sinodos de los 23 misioneros Dominicanos de la antigua California y alumbrado de la lampara de Loreto correspondiente al presente ano de... |
02-02-1809 |
Valles |
Sinodos de los 23 misioneros Dominicanos de la antigua California y alumbrado de la lampara de Loreto correspondiente al presente ano de... |
02-02-1809 |
Valiente |
Simon Alvarez Nava to Pedro Valiente. Concerning the reintegration of lands distributed (sold) by royal decree in Nuevo Santander. |
07-29-1776 |
Velez de Escalante |
Silvestre Velez de Escalante. Nuevo Mexico |
10-00-1775 |
Velez de Escalante |
Silvestre Velez de Escalante, O.F.M., to provincial Isidro Murillo. Carta sobre la ruta de Nuevo Mexico a California. |
07-29-1776 |
Velez de Escalante |
Silvestre Velez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Dominguez. Diario y derratero de los rr.pp. Fr. Francisco Atanasio Dominguez y fr. S.... |
01-00-1777 |
Villavisenzio |
Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa |
11-13-1767 |
Villa Puerto |
Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa |
11-13-1767 |
Veruben |
Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa |
11-13-1767 |
Valiente |
Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa |
11-13-1767 |
Vejar y Gansia |
Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa |
11-13-1767 |
Velez Cachupin |
Sierra, Nicolas de la. Raphael Pacheco brings suit against his employer's estate. |
11-15-1766 |
Vilero |
Sierra Gorda's report re: settlement of Indian groups in Nuevo Santander. |
00-00-1718 |
Vildosola |
Shipment of armaments to presidios of Monterrey and San Francisco |
06-24-1791 |
Vigil |
Severino Martines. |
09-24-1816 |
Vigil |
Severino Martines. |
09-24-1816 |
Venadito |
Several official letters from Arredondo informing virrey of the state of the province and the adventurer Mac Gregor. |
04-19-1819 |
Vellido |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Valladares |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Villaloa |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Vildosola |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Villalba |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Venancio Malo |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Valcara |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Valero |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Vinaran |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Varrios y Xavrequi |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Villafuerte |
Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. |
01-23-1767 |
Venadito |
Several letters from Arredondo to virrey informing him of money sent to caxas en Saltillo, and other matters. |
03-04-1819 |
Vargas |
Settlers of Sombrerette and Zacatecas to Diego Vargas and Pedro Rodriguez Cubero. |
08-01-1697 |
Villaescusa |
Service records, biographies, and honors of two members of the compania de fronteras. |
08-07-1818 |
Valenzuela |
Service records, biographies, and honors of individuals of the compania de Horcasitas. |
01-01-1817 |
Valles |
Service records, biographies, and honors of four soldiers of the primera compania Volante de Huajoquilla and of one soldier of the compania... |
10-31-1817 |
Valles |
Service records, biographies, and honors of four soldiers of the primera compania Volante de Huajoquilla and of one soldier of the compania... |
10-31-1817 |
Varela |
Service records, biographies, and honors awarded to five members of the compania presidial de San Buenaventura. |
06-24-1818 |
Volante |
Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. |
08-19-1799 |
Venadito |
Service records of Navarro y Torres. |
04-29-1820 |
Valle |
Series of transcripts of interrogations of Anglo-Americans caught trespassing in Texas. |
11-26-1819 |
Villareal |
Series of transcripts of interrogations of Anglo-Americans caught trespassing in Texas. |
11-26-1819 |
Valle |
Series of testimonies regarding sale of horses by Spanish subjects to U.S. |
10-27-1819 |
Vivero |
Series of testimonies regarding sale of horses by Spanish subjects to U.S. |
10-27-1819 |
Venadito |
Series of testimonies concerning charges of desertion against Franco. |
02-11-1820 |
Venadito |
Series of testimonies concerning charges by Escobar against minjares of shouting insults. |
07-17-1820 |
Villaral |
Series of testimonies by Spanish subjects detained for traveling to U.S. without approval from gobernador. |
11-24-1819 |