Pena |
Back pay solicited by captain and men of presidio at Bahia del Espiritu Santo. |
12-20-1719 |
Pena |
Back pay solicited by captain and men of presidio at Bahia del Espiritu Santo. |
12-20-1719 |
Pena |
Back pay solicited by captain and men of presidio at Bahia del Espiritu Santo. |
12-20-1719 |
Perez |
Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders... |
00-00-1806 |
Petra |
Balthasar de Artiaga carta de libertad granted to mulatta slave named Maria Petra. |
00-00-1720 |
Penuela |
Balverde y Cosio, Antonio to Penuela, Marques de la. Autos y respond to the actions of the Apaches. |
10-13-1710 |
Pena |
Balverde y Cosio, Antonio to Penuela, Marques de la. Autos y respond to the actions of the Apaches. |
10-13-1710 |
Perez |
Baptizados de la provincia de Cinaloa, 1591-1631. |
00-00-1591 |
Pena |
Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. |
02-04-1763 |
Padilla |
Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. |
02-04-1763 |
Placido de Monzon |
Baron de Ripperda. Charges brought by Cabello against Ripperda. |
05-11-1781 |
Pastrana |
Bartolome de Pastrana. Carta de poder. |
10-11-1660 |
Pena |
Bathazar de Suniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza. Que los capitanes den los auxilios necesarios al padre Olivares. |
12-28-1716 |
Paez Hurtado |
Bega y Coca, Miguel de la (capitan - alcalde mayor). Power of attorney granted to Manuel de la Canal. |
04-02-1725 |
Patero |
Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. |
05-26-1792 |
Petaca |
Bernardo de Bustamante Table. Legal dispute over an Indians inheritence. |
06-09-1750 |
Pineda |
Bernardo de Urrea al Juan de Pineda. Letter concerning best locations for garrisons against rebel Indians. |
03-23-1767 |
Piccolo |
Bernardo Rolandegui al rey. Sobre misiones en California. |
12-02-1701 |
Paez Hurtado |
Bernardo Roybal-to-Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza. Criminal case against Manuel Martin, adultery and assault. |
06-07-1741 |
Pena |
Bernardo Roybal-to-Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza. Criminal case against Manuel Martin, adultery and assault. |
06-07-1741 |
Pena |
Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. |
04-29-1799 |
Pena y Arze |
Blas de Iriarte y Valdez. Auto criminal contra el indio Blas Blas de Iriarte y Valdez, gobernador de San Phelipe, por el pecado de sodomia. |
10-16-1715 |
Ponze de Leon |
Blas de Sepulbeda a Manuel Ponze de Leon. Escriptura de venta de la hacienda. |
12-01-1729 |
Pineda |
Blas Lopez. Gertrudes Armijo charges that Lopez attempted to enter her house, turns out he had kidnapped her daughter and taken the baby to... |
12-30-1762 |
Pinto |
Blasques, Joseph. Petition to governor for return of runaway Indian servant who is claimed by Diego Padilla and governor's response to... |
07-27-1713 |
Padilla |
Blasques, Joseph. Petition to governor for return of runaway Indian servant who is claimed by Diego Padilla and governor's response to... |
07-27-1713 |
Portua de Raza |
Bodega y Quadra to virrey concerning agave (pita) commerce. |
05-11-1780 |
Potau |
Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. |
07-16-1793 |
Ponce de Leon |
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Proclamation of comandante general denouncing rebel representatives to so called national... |
07-26-1815 |
Pezuela |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: declaration of war againstt Great Britian by the United States of America. |
08-16-1813 |
Pino |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Remittance of complaint by Manuel Ygnacio and pertinent documents. |
10-20-1815 |
Perez Villamil |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order: concerning uniform of military lawyers. |
12-07-1813 |
Pezuela |
Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. |
03-24-1820 |
Peru |
Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola |
09-10-1787 |
Pedrueza |
Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola |
09-10-1787 |
Pena |
Borrego, Diego Antonio. Civil suit by Mariano de la Pena |
05-10-1796 |
Protho |
Breve informe del estado presente en que se hallan las misiones de Sonora. |
00-00-1722 |
Police |
Breve informe del estado presente en que se hallan las misiones de Sonora. |
00-00-1722 |
Palma |
Brief report on province of Nueva Vizcaya sent to Casafuerte |
08-10-1730 |
Pliego |
Bucareli's correspondence re: investigation of conduct of Fuentes, Inchaurregui and Nava in San Carlos. |
00-00-1769 |
Puga |
Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. |
09-00-1772 |
Panola |
Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. |
09-00-1772 |
Peramas |
Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. |
09-00-1772 |
Puente |
Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. |
09-00-1772 |
Pedrasa |
Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. |
09-00-1772 |
Peruche |
Bucareli's expediente regarding complaint of mistreatment of pisones by fray Estrada at Hoyos mission. |
09-00-1772 |
Poze |
Budget for Port of San Blas. |
09-16-1788 |
Pantoja |
Budget for Port of San Blas. |
09-16-1788 |
Portillo |
Budget for Port of San Blas. |
09-16-1788 |
Paez Hurtado |
Bueno de Bohorques y Corcuera, Francisco (capitan y alcalde mayor) to Paez Hurtado, Juan (teniente general). Petition for return of papers... |
03-21-1724 |