Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Osorio Charges against Gonzalez de Santianes leveled by noriega and Sierra Gorda for failing to pacify Indians in Nuevo Santander. 07-20-1770
Ossorio y Cordero Charges against Gonzalez de Santianes leveled by noriega and Sierra Gorda for failing to pacify Indians in Nuevo Santander. 07-20-1770
Ogalde Charges against Manuel Galvan, Alferez of the tercera compania Volante of Nuevo Santander, relating to the theft of gun powder by Indians. 01-25-1790
Orozco Charges against soldier Francisco Orozco of the compania de Pitic for second desertion 04-29-1816
Orosco Charges against soldier Francisco Orozco of the compania de Pitic for second desertion 04-29-1816
Ortega Charges against soldier Francisco Orozco of the compania de Pitic for second desertion 04-29-1816
Ontiveros Charges formed against soldier Salvador Rodriguez of the 2nd compania Volante for leaving his post and fleeing with two women. 09-17-1819
Ortiz Chaves, Antonio Jose to Gavaldon, Carlos. Re: suit - complaint against officials for mal-conduct in dispute over ownership of a house. 07-28-1813
Olona Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Ortiz Chavez, Jose Antonio to Manrrique, Jose. Re: elections. 02-14-1814
Olguin Chirinos, Juan Pedro. Re: dispute over inherited property. 03-07-1814
Oconor Christobal Ylario de Cordoba. Carta sobre necesidad de sueldos y viveres en el presidio de Orcoquisa. 01-03-1768
Oviedo Christoval Zanria al padre Andres Gonzales, and others. Five letters from padre Zanria concerning mission personal affairs. 00-00-1732
Otijosa Circular from virrey to Sonoran officials concerning new postal service. 12-11-1773
Olavide y Michelana Citizens of Alburquerque to Olavide y Michelana (gobernador). Request by citizens of Alburquerque to revoke a bando enacted by Cruzat y... 09-03-1737
Ocon y Trillo Civil appointments in province of Texas. 07-20-1731
Ovilan de Rebolledo Civil appointments in province of Texas. 07-20-1731
Ontiberos Civil case- debt payment. 04-16-1657
Ortiz Civil suit by Ana Maria Ortiz against Juan Gavaldon for recovery of pesos. 10-24-1763
Otalora Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs 04-15-1810
Oconor Civil-military correspondence of intendente Corbalan 06-10-1772
Ormaechea Claim for fees for making audit 03-29-1811
Ortiz de Oran Claim on runaway indian 06-00-1649
Ortis Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763
Ortiz Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763
Ortiz Parrilla Coahuila, ano de 1765. Ortiz Parrilla, gobernador interino. 03-07-1765
O Collar of Apaches transported to Mexico City. 01-20-1783
Ochoa Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Oviedo Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Olvera Collera de indios remitida por el gobernador del Nuevo Santander don Diego de Lasaga 01-01-1782
Ortes de Velasco Commentary on Escandon's report about the exploration of the seno Mexicano and his plan for its colonization. 10-28-1747
Oyarvide Commission for the padres carmelitas of the convento de San Luis Ootosi as protectors of the paraje la mula 02-10-1759
Olvera Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Ortegosa Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Ochoa Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Ortega compania precidial Horcasitas. Provincia de Sonora. Dia primero del mes de septiembre de 1816. 09-01-1816
Ortiz de Landazuri Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Ortega Complaints against commandant Jose Ortega by natives of Lajas concerning military misconduct 02-23-1819
Ochoa Comprobante numero 1 through comprobante numero 5 10-11-1789
Ortiz Parrilla Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. 01-15-1766
Olibera y Abreu Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. 01-15-1766
Ortiz Con el informe que v.e. se sirve prevenirme en su superior decreto de 27 del pasado Mayo . . . . 04-01-1770
Olvera con esta fecha, e librado contra las reales caxas de esa ciudad seis mil quinientos cincuenta y dos pesos, a favor de don Severino de... 08-29-1788
Ochoa con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Olvera con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Otero Concern request by Rodriguez Hucha to return to Spain. 02-28-1797
Orozco Concerning appointing Orozco as maestro armero after death of Zumaran. 08-12-1790
Ortega Montanez Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698
Orosco Aguero Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698
Olivares Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698
