Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Hidalgo Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Hernandez Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Hernandez Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Hernandes Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Hernandes Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Hernandez Index and extractions from expedientes containing abundant administrative, military, and religious information about provinces Coahuila,... 01-21-1743
Hortega diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn.... 01-08-1817
Hernandez diligencias practicadas para la haberiguacion de insulto de que se le hicieron al alcalde de 10. Voto don Francisco Roldan por Alferez dn.... 01-08-1817
Hernandez de Alva Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817
Herrera Causa criminal contra el subteniente don Ramon Grimaldi y varios soldados por desacato a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria de Durango. 10-24-1817
Hermosillo Service records, biographies, and honors of two members of the compania de fronteras. 08-07-1818
Hermosillo Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the compania presidial de Santa Cruz. 06-30-1818
Hermosillo Service records, biographies, and honors of twenty-four members of the compania de opatas de Bacoachi. 06-30-1818
Hermosillo Service records, biographies, and honors of individuals of the compania de Horcasitas. 01-01-1817
Hornelas Service records, biographies, and honors of three individuals of the compania del norte. 12-30-1817
Hornelas Service records, biographies, and honors of three individuals of the compania del norte. 12-30-1817
Hernandez Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. 08-31-1818
Hernandez Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. 08-31-1818
Hermosillo Request for military retirement by Casanova and Bautista Romero due to illness and old age. 06-13-1818
Hormaechea Barragan proposes candidates to fill vacant posts of 5a compania del cuerpo de caballeria de fronteras. 12-31-1805
Huerta Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. 12-31-1803
Herrera Individuals from companies of Leon, Linares, Cadereyra, and Lampazos recommended to fill vacant posts of teniente and Alferez. 02-02-1807
Herrera Copies of instancias written by Herrera requesting advance of money to buy horses and mules for auxiliary troops of Texas. 03-00-1807
Hebia Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders... 00-00-1806
Herrera Retirement requested varios individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Governing of alta and baja California. 05-06-1806
Hidalgo Instancia regarding existence and validity of governor Mendoza's will. 04-01-1758
Herrera Ugarte y Loyola repeats request for payment of back wages. 00-00-1732
Herrera Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. 02-01-1779
Huidobro Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. 00-00-1734
Honorato de Rivera Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. 00-00-1734
Hortega y Martinez Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. 00-00-1734
Heros Correspondence between Gorostiza, viceroy, and other government officials concerning exchange of positions between Garcia and Fernandez. 04-02-1793
Heros Correspondence between Feliz, viceroy, Nava, and other government officials concerning payment of sinodos to Valdez. 08-00-1767
Hierro Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. 08-01-1752
Hinojosa Wages of Alexo Garcia Conde, mariscal de campo, now governor of Nueva Vizcaya. 10-14-1810
Hernandez copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Hombre copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Hurtado copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... 08-31-1814
Herrera grados y plazas efectivas que ha conferido el sr. Comte. Gl. Arredondo a los individuos de diferentes cuerpos que dentro se expresan. 04-06-1815
Herrera Provision of auditors for comandancias generales de Provincias Internas de oriente y occidente. 12-10-1817
Herrera Informes by captain Rongel seeking promotion to coronel. 06-08-1803
Herrera Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and... 06-13-1773
Hernandez Three imprisoned soldiers guilty of murdering Apache ask for pardon after four-year imprisonment. 07-12-1820
Hernandez Bishop Francisco reports to virrey of having ignored alcalde's concubinage with Hernandez until former sought marriage to daughter of... 10-22-1820
Hocio Chaplain Hocio is granted retirement with salary. 08-30-1760
Hernandez Informe submitted by obispo de Durango describing circumstances regarding accused escribano publico alcalde's concubinal undertakings. 11-09-1820
Hocio Informes regarding merits and services of Hocio and recommendations by Melgares and Garcia Conde that he be retired (age 68) from Santa Fe... 10-30-1816
Hinojosa Informes regarding merits and services of Hocio and recommendations by Melgares and Garcia Conde that he be retired (age 68) from Santa Fe... 10-30-1816
Hierro Request for retirement pension by nos y Monforte. 00-00-1785
Hierro Approval of Sigori as administrator of rentas of villa del nombre de Dios 02-23-1768
