Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Herrera Concerning promotion of Santa Maria to gobernador interino. 01-06-1810
Horcasitas y Portugal Concerning Portau's election to 'govierno' and 'intendencia' of Durango. 05-13-1791
Herrera Concerning political accusations, administrative affairs of Nuevo Leon. 01-10-1810
Herrera Concerning political accusations, administrative affairs of Nuevo Leon. 01-10-1810
Herrera Concerning political accusations, administrative affairs of Nuevo Leon. 01-10-1810
Hernandez de Alva Concerning need to educate Indians. 01-13-1818
Herrera Concerning Moreno transporting chaingang of Apaches to Mexico City; related financial affairs. 03-27-1792
Herrera Concerning military promotions, retirements. 03-15-1817
Hoyos Concerning military promotions, retirements. 03-15-1817
Herrera Concerning general planning of military campaigns, defense of Texas, Coahuila. 12-06-1817
Herrera Concerning fiscal affairs of Bacoachi, Pitic, war on Apaches. 05-01-1793
Herrera Concerning establishment of new treasury at Saltillo, civil appointments. 07-07-1793
Herrera Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Horna Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Hernandez de Guerra Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698
Heros con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Henestrosa con fecha 31 de julio ultimo, y 6 del corriente he dado dos certificaciones contra las caxas reales de esta capital de cantidad de 31,892... 08-07-1788
Henestrosa con esta fecha, e librado contra las reales caxas de esa ciudad seis mil quinientos cincuenta y dos pesos, a favor de don Severino de... 08-29-1788
Hierrezuelo Con el superior oficio de 31 del ultimo enero ha recivido este ayuntamiento . . . . 02-07-1803
Huerta Con el informe que v.e. se sirve prevenirme en su superior decreto de 27 del pasado Mayo . . . . 04-01-1770
Hernandez Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. 01-15-1766
Hernandes companias de Pimas de Tubac. 03-16-1816
Hierro Communications regarding status of royal treasuries. 07-07-1783
Herrera Communications regarding status of royal treasuries. 07-07-1783
Hijose comandante de la fragata San Joseph y las animas don Manuel Quimper sobre Socorros por la caxa de Acapulco 01-16-1793
Herrera Collera de indios remitida por el gobernador del Nuevo Santander don Diego de Lasaga 01-01-1782
Herrera y Escudero Collera de indios remitida por el gobernador del Nuevo Santander don Diego de Lasaga 01-01-1782
Haegui Collera de indios remitida por el gobernador del Nuevo Santander don Diego de Lasaga 01-01-1782
Horta Collection of silver. 03-09-1657
Hebiadi Collection of debts- Jesuit estate. Juan de Aguileta, alcalde mayor. 04-04-1659
Henrriquez Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Herrera Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Hernandez Collar of Apaches transported to Mexico City. 01-20-1783
Hontiberos Civil suit- property ownership. 10-09-1657
Huduni Civil suit- indios naturales contra herederos of don Pedro de Penea. 07-23-1658
Herrera Leyba Civil suit against Vicente Gonzales Hidalgo for monies owed. 10-25-1800
Hernandez Civil case- stolen mules. 01-03-1657
Herrera Leyva ciudad de Monterrey, en diez y seis de junio de este corriente ano de mil setecientos noventa y ocho. 03-18-1798
Huidobro Citizens Alamos to Juan Baptista de Velaunzaran letter pleading for help against Yaquis, Mayos. 06-05-1740
Hinojos Cirujano Antonio Rodriguez y Florez. Cuenta de las visitas y medicinas que inverti en la curacion que hice a Francisco Jose Hinojos. 03-22-1798
Hurtado Chaves, Nicolas de. Suit: proceedings and testimony against Chaves for the maltreatment of his wife. 11-10-1714
Hurtado Chaves, Nicolas de. Suit: breach of promise. 07-01-1714
Hurtado de Castilla Charges of assault and robbery against an Indian. 10-23-1685
Herrera Charges formed against soldier Francisco Chavez for second desertion. 06-24-1815
Herrera Charges formed against soldier Francisco Chavez for second desertion. 06-24-1815
Herrero Charges against soldier Francisco Orozco of the compania de Pitic for second desertion 04-29-1816
Hocio Chaplain Hocio is granted retirement with salary. 08-30-1760
Hormazas Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Marques de las Hormazas as secretary of state. 11-16-1797
Hocio Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Detailed inventory of furnishings of various missions of New Mexico province provided during visita by... 04-11-1796
Hocio Chacon, Fernando (?) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Transmittal of papers in dispute - re: burial of Indian servant of soldier. 07-01-1800
