Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Herrera Letters concerning political and military matters in the area of Texas. 08-25-1806
Hopkins Letters concerning political and military matters in the area of Texas. 08-25-1806
Herrera y Molina Letters concerning political and military matters. 10-21-1806
Herrera Letters concerning political and military matters. 10-21-1806
Herrera Letters concerning political strategies regarding the Texas conflict. 01-07-1805
Hortiz Letters concerning promotions in Tucson, Principe, and Nueva Vizcaya companies. 10-05-1816
Herrera Letters concerning refurnishing the militias of the Nuevo Reyno de Leon and Nuevo Santander with horses and mules 11-19-1806
Herrera Letters concerning refurnishing the militias of the Nuevo Reyno de Leon and Nuevo Santander with horses and mules 11-19-1806
Herrera Letters concerning reimbursment to presidios in alta California 12-14-1791
Henrriquez Letters concerning relations of salaries paid to artesanos of Nueva California. 02-01-1794
Hernandez Letters concerning relations of salaries paid to artesanos of Nueva California. 02-01-1794
Hijosa Letters concerning relations of salaries paid to artesanos of Nueva California. 02-01-1794
Herrera Letters concerning relocation and changes in San Francisco 12-31-1794
Hixosa Letters concerning remittance of food to presidios de Californias. Record of medicines remitted to Acapulco. 01-08-1780
Herrara Letters concerning replacement of don Pedro Garrido y Duran by don Manuel Marino as secretaria de la comandancia 03-26-1795
Heceta Letters concerning ship departures and arrivals. 04-29-1780
Herrera Letters concerning the creation and nomination of interventor de la tesoreria de real hacienda de Arispe. 05-07-1798
Hurtado Letters concerning the establishment of borders between Louisiana and Texas. Letters and forms on military ammunition. Legal documents... 09-24-1804
Hidalgo Letters concerning the situation of the presidio of San Antonio de Balero. 01-14-1724
Herrera Letters dealing with conflict in adjudicating political jurisdiction over provincias de Oriente and Occidente. Documents concerning... 07-12-1812
Hino Letters dealing with legal documentation on abuses committed by Indians from Pueblo de Mamata, against Spanish property. 11-28-1772
Huerta Letters for the new virrey Apodaca explaining the problem of Chihuahua and the capitania general. 12-30-1816
Horcacitas Letters from Aguero to Croix 10-26-1767
Hombre Letters from Arredondo and others concerning the collection and shipment of amount levied against last will and testaments. 02-20-1816
Hezeta Letters from Arteaga to virrey concerning ships repairs. 11-08-1780
Herrera Letters from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua concerning procedures of Bonavia to virrey. 02-12-1816
Hernandez Letters from clergy to virrey Bucarely acknowledging receipt of instructions regarding the new method of mission government 09-04-1772
Horsagaray Letters from Corbalan concerning petitions of tax exemption for the Indians. Letters from Barco concerning tax collection in Buliacan.... 06-27-1779
Huandurraga Letters from Corbalan to virrey re: various aspects of provincial administration. 12-24-1771
Herrera Letters from desk of Calleja from 1800-1803. 11-20-1800
Hierro Letters from Escandon for virrey informing him that the expedition has been in existence for a year. 12-25-1749
Hoyos Letters from Escandon to religious concerning the possibility of reassign fray Orozco in the mission of San Agustin de Laredo. 12-29-1766
Hinojosa Letters from falco for the comandante general informing him of names of individuals responsible for rebellion and misconduct in Bavispe. 04-17-1820
Herrera Letters from Garcia Conde and Ruiz de Bustamante concerning three candidates to fill position of teniente de tercer compania de milicias de... 12-02-1817
Herrera Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Hernandez Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Hernandez Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Hurtado de Mendoza Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Honorato de Rivera Letters from Gil de Bernabe and Cartagena to Bucareli concerning Indian Seris pacification. 11-05-1772
Herrera Letters from Herrera to Salcedo concerning structure of rebel government in Texas during illegal governorship of casas. 03-28-1811
Herrera Letters from Herrera to virrey Branciforte acknowledging receipt of various royal announcements and decrees. 04-10-1797
Herrera Letters from Herrera to virrey concerning administrative appointments. 05-09-1795
Herrera Letters from Herrera to virrey concerning routine military and administrative affairs. 08-03-1795
Hixosa Letters from Hezeta to de la Bodega y Quadra concerning el paquebot and el principe ships. 09-02-1779
Hezeta Letters from Hezeta to de la Bodega y Quadra concerning el paquebot and el principe ships. 09-02-1779
Hernandez de Priego Letters from Indians for virrey complaining that their lands have been taken it away. 07-17-1742
Herro Letters from Nava to virrey concerning petitions and proposals for military employments. 12-13-1790
Hidalgo Letters from president of misiones de Californiato virrey concerning retirement permissions. 03-20-1786
Hidalgo Letters from procuradores of California missions to virrey and senor Fiscal requesting payment of funds and lampara. 10-10-1790
Hurieta Letters from Ramirez to Ugalde concerning logbook remittance. 08-04-1788
